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        558 results found

        Thanet Extension Site Boundary and Cable Corridor

        A polygon file representing the Thanet Extension Wind Farm Site Boundary and Offshore Export Cable Corridor

        LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

        Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

        LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field

        Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field

        Settlement Extensions

        Refer to the Purbeck District Local Plan (November 2012) Policies CEN/NE

        LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension for Sand and Gravel Extraction

        Area of Preferred Extension for Sand and Gravel Extraction

        LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Silica Sand Quarry

        Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Silica Sand Quarry

        Immigration Statistics: extensions of stay

        This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

        Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend on new property leases and extensions in the Home Office: spend control data

        Details of exceptions to the government's moratorium on third-party spend on new property leases and extensions at the Home Office.

        Calverton NP North West Quadrant Urban Extension

        National Parks - Lake District & Yorkshire Dales extension

        National Parks are run by National Park Authorities for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage and to provide opportunities for the understanding...

        Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1429, Dover TSS Extension Area, (14/06/2014 to 29/06/2014)

        Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1429; Dover TSS...

        Performance Dashboard Applications for Section 36 consents, required for the construction, extension or operation of electricity generating stations

        This dashboard shows information about how the Applications for Section 36 consents, required for the construction, extension or operation of electricity generating stations service is currently...

        Sheep urine patch greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils in an extensively grazed montane agroecosystem, North Wales, UK

        The dataset contains greenhouse gas fluxes (N2O, CO2 and CH4) following artificial and real sheep urine applied to organic soils within the Carneddau mountain range (556 m a.s.l.) in Snowdonia...

        Meteorological data collected at English Short Rotation Coppice (Extensive) sites

        As a result of high oil prices in the mid-1970s, many European and Scandinavian countries initiated research programmes investigating fuel production from energy crops. Initial studies were aimed...

        Meteorological data collected at Welsh Short Rotation Coppice (Extensive) sites

        As a result of high oil prices in the mid-1970s, many European and Scandinavian countries initiated research programmes investigating fuel production from energy crops. Initial studies were aimed...

        Single time point sampling of site characteristics, soil parameters and soil greenhouse gas emissions for extensive and intensive sheep-farming sites in North Wales and Devon, 2016

        The data pertains to a single time point 'snapshot' spatial sampling of site characteristics, soil parameters and soil greenhouse gas emissions for two sites (Extensive and Intensive). The...

        2014, Apache, K-Prospect Extension, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number GS_148

        An oil and gas industry site survey for a semi-sub rig acquired under licences P103, P1986 in August 2014. The block numbers traversed were 9/18, 9/19.

        UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-204 data: Using oxygen isotopes to quantitatively assess residual CO2 saturation during the CO2CRC Otway Stage 2B Extension residual saturation test data set

        This is the dataset to accompany the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control manuscript entitled: Using oxygen isotopes to quantitatively assess residual CO2 saturation during the CO2CRC...

        2014, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Manhattan Extension, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_225

        An oil and gas industry semi-sub rig, debris clearance, environmental site survey acquired in October 2014. The block numbers traversed were 15/22, 15/23.

        2004, EON, Johnston Field Extension, Site Survey, BGS Reference Number EU04SS0001

        An oil and gas industry site survey acquired in August 2004 to identify any seabed obstructions and/or sub-surface hazards at the proposed 43/27a-H location that may impede the emplacement and...