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        D2R2 is a database and analytical module containing a wide range of information about specific animal diseases.

        Ownership of R&D Assets

        This release will test the long held assumption that funders of research and development are also the owners of any resulting asset, using the results from a pioneering question added to Gross...

        Service Lives of R&D Assets

        This suite of three articles will present ONS research into the useful life of R&D, which is due to be capitalised in the UK National Accounts from 2014. It compares estimates made using new...

        NDR SDS 2D Lines

        Seismic Data from the previous (V1) National Data Repository, last updated on June 30th 2021.Seismic Header Information: NDR_2dseis_eab Navigation information for all offshore 2D seismic surveys,...

        NDR SDS 3D Outlines

        Seismic Data from the previous (V1) National Data Repository, last updated on June 30th 2021.Seismic Header Information: NDR_2dseis_eab Navigation information for all offshore 2D seismic surveys,...

        3D Urban Interactive geological models

        3D geology models have been created for London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Liverpool. Users can create geological cross-sections, synthetic boreholes and horizontal slices through the 3D models....

        Camden Vitamin D Deficiency Profile 2015

        This public health intelligence profile describes the recorded prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Camden.

        Research for Development - R4D

        Datasets are no longer available. The Research for Development (R4D) database is now available on GOV.UK - The R4D database contains over 35,000 DFID...

        BGS LithoFrame 3D geological models

        BGS LithoFrame models provide 3D geological characterisation for parts of the onshore and offshore UK at a range of scales. They present framework geological interpretation consistent with the...

        Council Tax Band D Average

        This dataset shows the average Band D council tax amount charged by each billing authority and county council in England. Billing authorities comprise shire districts, unitary authorities,...

        3D palaeontological and petrological specimen scan data

        The BGS 3D scans store holds digital 3-dimensional scans of BGS palaeontological and petrological specimens. The data include 3-dimensional meshes and 2-dimensional images exported by the scanning...

        Nirex 3-D Modelling Data.

        During the interpretation of the geological structure of the Sellafield site, a series of 3-D models were created using EarthVision and Vulcan software. These models have been imported into the...

        Saved Local Plan Policy D4 - Green Wedges

        Dataset showing Green Wedges under Policy D4 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas recorded as polygons. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

        Saved Local Plan Policy D13 - Wildlife Corridor

        Dataset showing Wildlife Corridor under Policy D13 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

        Saved Local Plan Policy D3 - Local Landscapes

        Dataset showing Local Landscapes under Policy D3 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

        Saved Local Plan Policy D2 - County Landscapes

        Dataset showing County Landscapes under Policy D2 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

        Global companies by R&D investment by sector 2010

        Scoreboard ranking the top 1,000 global companies by research and development (R&D) investment within industry.

        UK companies by R&D investment by region 2010

        Scoreboard ranking top 1,000 UK companies by research and development (R&D) investment by region for the UK.

        UK companies by R&D investment by sector 2010

        Scoreboard ranking the top 1,000 UK companies by research and development (R&D) investment within industry for the UK

        3D viscosity model inferred from GLAD-M25

        A model of mantle viscosity inferred from the seismic model GLAD-M25 using a method described within Lloyd et al. (2024). Model stored in NETCDF4 format with the following dimensions: depth(201),...