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        Teenage mothers (delivery episodes aged under 18)

        Teenage mothers (delivery episodes aged under 18)

        Births by Area of Usual Residence of Mother, UK

        Annual data on birth registrations. The tables contain summary data for live births for local authorities and health areas including figures by age of mother. Source agency: Office for National...

        Births by area of usual residence of mother, England and Wales

        Presents data on birth registrations in England and Wales by area of usual residence of mother. The tables contain summary data for live births for local authorities and health areas including...

        % of mothers smoking at time of delivery - (Rolling 12 Month)

        % of mothers smoking at time of delivery - (Rolling 12 Month)

        Annual births by age of mother

        Number of annual live births by broad age group of mother in England and Wales for mid-year to mid-year periods from 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2020. Original data for Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA)...

        The 21st Century Mortality Files

        The 21st Century Mortality Files are a record of mortality in England and Wales from 2001 onwards. They are designed to complement the 20th Century Mortality Files, which are a record of mortality...

        The 20th Century Mortality Files

        The 20th Century mortality files are a record of mortality in England & Wales from 1901 to 2000. The files consist of an aggregated database of deaths by agegroup, sex, year and underlying...

        % of mothers who give their babies breast milk in the first 48 hours after delivery (breastfeeding initiation)

        % of mothers who give their babies breast milk in the first 48 hours after delivery (breastfeeding initiation) *This indicator has been discontinued

        Number of mothers recorded by Midwifery Services in regard to alcohol or substance misuse (by Estimated Delivery Date)

        Number of mothers recorded by Midwifery Services in regard to alcohol or substance misuse (by Estimated Delivery Date) *This indicator has been discontinued.

        Long-term multisite Scots pine trial, Scotland: mother tree, cone and seed phenotypes, 2007

        [THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Phenotypes for Scots pine mother trees and their cones/seed from 21 populations across Scotland in 2007. The seed was used to establish a long-term multisite...

        Long-term multisite Scots pine trial, Scotland: mother tree, cone and seed phenotypes, 2007 v2

        Phenotypes for Scots pine mother trees and their cones/seed from 21 populations across Scotland in 2007. The seed was used to establish a long-term multisite common garden trial at three...

        Births by Mother's Country of Birth in London

        The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes data on the number of live births by the mother's country of birth in England and Wales each year. Every time a birth is registered in England and...

        210Pb-dated historical lake sediment metal concentrations from Norfolk, UK (mid-19th century to 2009)

        Measurements of sediment properties (including organic and carbonate content), radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs, 241Am) and elements (including mercury, nickel, copper, zinc, and lead) in lake sediment...

        210Pb-dated historical lake sediment metal concentrations from Greater Glasgow, Scotland (mid-19th century to 2016)

        Measurements of sediment properties (including organic and carbonate content), radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs, 241Am) and elements (including mercury, nickel, copper, zinc, and lead) in lake sediment...

        WATCH forcing data (WFD) - 20th century PSurf (surface pressure) 1901-2001

        The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree...

        WATCH Forcing Data (WFD) - 20th Century Tair (air temperature) 1901-2001

        The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree...

        WATCH forcing data (WFD) - 20th century Qair (specific humidity) 1901-2001

        The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree...

        210Pb-dated historical lake sediment metal concentrations from The Lake District, England (mid-19th century to 2016)

        Measurements of sediment properties (incl. organic and carbonate content), radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs, 241Am) and elements (including mercury, nickel, copper, zinc, and lead) in lake sediment...

        WATCH forcing data (WFD) - 20th Century LWdown (surface incident longwave radiation) 1901-2001

        The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree...

        WATCH Forcing Data (WFD) - 20th Century Wind (near surface wind speed) 1901-2001

        The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree...