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347 results found

Data on immunological expression and phenotypes in a natural population of field voles in Kielder Forest, UK 2015-2017

Data comprise morphometric measurements, sex determination, maturity and immunological analysis of blood pathogens from wild field voles (Microtus agrestis) in Kielder Forest, Northumberland, UK in...

Calderdale Perception Survey

As part of the [Vision 2024](, the Council conducts an annual survey to gauge the public's perception on certain matters. This is known as the 'Calderdale...

Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014

The data are the results of lab experiments conducted in 2013-2014 at the Cefas laboratory, Lowestoft, UK. Multiple marine phytoplankton taxa were preserved in one of three different Lugol's...

Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014

The data are the results of lab experiments conducted in 2013-2014 at the Cefas laboratory, Lowestoft, UK. Multiple marine phytoplankton taxa were preserved in one of three different Lugol's...

Shallow gas expressions offshore Netherlands - Results from the Fault Seal Controls on Aquifer CO2 Storage Project - poster at UKCCSRC biannual meeting, Cardiff

The data consists of a poster presented at the UKCCSRC biannual meeting in Cardiff, September 10-11th 2014. The poster describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2...

Bassetlaw District Council Town Centre Boundary

The Town Centre Boundary dataset is an area defined as the core centre of a town. The dataset contains the two main Town Centre Boundaries, areas defined as the core centre’s of the towns. The...

County Durham Local Plan

The County Durham Plan sets out a vision for housing, jobs and the environment until 2035, as well as the transport, schools and healthcare to support it.

Home Office Annual Report

The annual report sets out the vision and priorities of the department over the past year, including progress against our priorities, and also sets out what the aims of the department are going...

Local Plan Allocated Housing Site

Polygon data showing the location of our Local Plan Allocated Housing Sites. The Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the Borough until 2037. Table fields...

Local Plan Allocated Employment Site

Polygon data showing the location of our Local Plan Allocated Employment Sites. The Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the Borough until 2037. Table fields...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Employment - Existing

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Wildlife Corridors

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Housing Sites - Proposed

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Development Boundary - Milton Keynes City

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Employment Areas - Proposed

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Amenity Open Space

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Open Countryside

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Development Boundary - Other Settlements

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Community Facilities - Proposed

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...

Plan:MK 2016 - 2031 Strategic Site Allocations

Plan:MK sets out the Council’s strategy for meeting the Borough’s needs until 2031 and sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the area, addressing issues such as housing,...