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        Existing Public Open Spaces

        This dataset shows the Existing Public Open Spaces from the Districts Saved policy Local Plan Part 2 2014 with its description and the related Policy Number


        protection_existing_rec_open_space Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of Protected Existing Recreational Open Spaces (including Pitch and Non-Pitch Sports Facilities) in the Tendring...

        Ryedale District Council Existing Open Spaces

        Existing Open Spaces for Ryedale District Council Local Planning Authority Area

        Local Plan 2004 Existing Open Space

        Existing areas of open space as defined in the 2004 Broxtowe Local Plan

        PlanMK 2016 - 2031 Employment - Existing

        Existing employment areas in Milton Keynes. Taken from Milton Keynes Local Plan 2016 - 31

        Ipswich Borough Council - Existing Playing Field

        Existing playing fields which act as stepping stones to improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce.

        Ryedale District Council Existing Industrial/Business Area

        Existing Industrial/Business Area for Ryedale District Council Local Planning Authority Area

        PlanMK 2016 - 2031 Community Facilities - Existing

        Existing Community facilities in Milton Keynes. Taken from Milton Keynes Local Plan 2016 - 31

        Flow Compliance Bands

        This is a national picture of flow compliance with the environmental flow indicator shown for Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 river water bodies. The Environment Flow Indicator (EFI) is used to...

        Derbyshire Dales EC4 - Existing Employment Sites

        2017 Local Plan existing employment sites in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

        Overland Flow Pathways

        The Most Probable Overland Flow Pathway dataset is a polyline GIS vector dataset that describes the likely flow routes of water along with potential accumulations of diffuse pollution and soil...

        Heat Network Locations (Existing and Planned) - Scotland

        The Scotland Heat Map provides the locations of existing and planned heat networks. Both communal and district heat networks are included. Data about each network includes, where available, heat...

        Future flows hydrology data

        Future Flows Hydrology (FF-HydMod-PPE) is an 11-member ensemble projections of river flow and groundwater levels time series for 283 catchments and 24 boreholes in Great Britain. It is derived from...

        LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

        Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

        Free Flow Vehicle Speeds Statistics

        This publication gives speeds on free flowing road traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Free Flow Vehicle Speeds Statistics

        House price (existing dwellings) to residence-based earnings ratio

        Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for existing dwellings, by gross annual residence-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings...

        House price (existing dwellings) to workplace-based earnings ratio

        Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for existing dwellings, by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings...

        Future flows climate data

        Future Flows Climate (FF-HadRM3-PPE) is an eleven-member ensemble climate projection for Great Britain at a 1-km resolution spanning from 1950 to 2098. It was specifically developed for...

        Travel to work flows

        Maps of commuting flows to, from and within North Yorkshire from the 2011 Census

        Pack Flow Summary

        This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA361. (Known everywhere and presented as Pack Flow Summary) Provides the 4 Agencies’ amalgamated obligations for packaging entering the UK...