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78 results found

Ipswich Borough Council - Existing Playing Field

Existing playing fields which act as stepping stones to improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce.

Commuting & Well-being in London

A report on the impact of method of travel and distance travelled to work on happiness, anxiety and well-being. The report compares Londoner's responses to the Annual Population Survey to those of...

BGS soil property data layers (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

BGS soil property data layers including parent material, soil texture, group, grain size, thickness and European Soil Bureau description. These data are delivered under the terms of the Open...

Physical environment

Data showing the breakdown of the Physical Environment Domain in Plymouth. This material is Crown Copyright. You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or...

Data of a controlled rupture experiment under triaxial conditions of Lanhelin granite, and acoustic data recorded for laboratory-scale seismic tomography. (NERC grant NE/M004716/1)

This data has been recorded during a triaxial rock deformation experiment where a Lanhelin granite samples was subjected to controlled shear failure. The data consists of mechanical data (load,...


This dataset is a product of the Land Transaction layer within ForesterWeb used for maintaining estate transactions. Ownership relates estates acquisitions held in ForesterWeb, that is used to...

Lincolnshire Boundaries

Digital map boundaries of areas within Lincolnshire. Themes include Administrative, Electoral, Statistical, and Health. These boundary data sets are sourced from Ordnance Survey (OS) and the...

Vehicle licence data

Vehicle licence data, details of the year of vehicle registration, geographic information about the vehicle keeper and specific details about the vehicle type Source: Department for Transport...

SSSI Impact Risk Zones (England)

The Impact Risk Zones (IRZs) are a GIS tool developed by Natural England to make an initial assessment of the likely risk of impacts on SSSIs posed by developments. The IRZs tool comprises a series...

Fission track and U-Th-He data used to test HeFTy and QTQt thermal history modelling software. (NERC grant NE/K003232/1)

Fission track and U-Th-He data used to test HeFTy and QTQt thermal history modelling software. Longmen Shan, Szechuan Province, China. Data received from NERC grant NE/K003232/1 4He/3He laser...

Groundwater flow model of aquifer system, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

The download .rar file contains a groundwater model of the coastal aquifer in Kwale County, Kenya (ModelMuse Text File) produced by Dr Nuria Ferrer and Dr Albert Folch at the Universitat...

Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC)

Overview The Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC) data identifies green infrastructure, green infrastructure function (or ecosystem service) and pinch point mapping for the Black...

List of UK black poplar clones and their DNA fingerprint (2007-2015)

Native black poplar in the UK is a rare and endangered tree species that has been heavily reproduced vegetatively, leading to issues of widespread clonal replication. This data presents the DNA...

Isotope ratio measurements of the AMES Ce (cerium) standard (Willbold, 2007) (NERC Grant NE/J018031/1)

The dataset consists of a table of 64 isotope ratio measurements of the AMES Ce standard (Willbold, 2007). The data was collected at Imperial College, London between April 2013 and March 2014 using...

Initiation files for Fluidity numerical modelling code, used in the paper Suchoy et al., 2020 (NERC Grant NE/K010743/1)

Initiation files for 2D numerical models for Fluidity code. The models simulate subduction of an oceanic plate under various conditions described in Suchoy et al., 2020. The models use temperature,...

Stable isotope and trace element data for planktonic foraminifera from IODP Site U1338 (NERC Grant NE/I528750/1)

Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios (δ18O, δ13C) were measured on 10 to 12 shells of mixed-layer dwelling species Globigerinoides subquadratus from the 250 to 315 μm size fraction from 425 meters...

Great Crested Newt eDNA Habitat Suitability Index Pond Surveys for District Level Licensing 2017, 2018, 2019

Great Crested Newt eDNA and Habitat Suitability Index Survey results for Ponds surveyed for District Level Licensing. Also included for some ponds is information on water pH and temperature as well...

Phenological changes in growth in cod as an indicator of climate change

Cod (*Gadus morhua*) stocks in the North Sea have declined to historically low levels of abundance and are considered to be suffering from a reduced ability to reproduce. In this situation there...

Phenological changes in growth in cod as an indicator of climate change

Cod (*Gadus morhua*) stocks in the North Sea have declined to historically low levels of abundance and are considered to be suffering from a reduced ability to reproduce. In this situation there...

Experimental and numerical simulation data demonstrating the impact of heterogeneity on the capillary trapping of CO2 in the Captain Sandstone (EPSRC Grant EP/R513052/1)

The supporting data for C. Harris et al., 2021, 'The impact of heterogeneity on the capillary trapping of CO2 in the Captain Sandstone', International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. We supply...