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        Statements of Account 2012-2015

        Each year we are required to produce a statement of accounts that gives details of all our financial activities and its overall financial position. This is a technical document in order to meet...

        Physico-chemical characterization of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash derived from UK bioenergy production

        This dataset contains nitrogen data from nitrate, ammonium and nitrite, total nitrogen and carbon data, and elemental composition data from anaerobic digestate and biomass ash from UK bioenergy...

        MRL (Maximum Residue Level)

        Maximum Residue Level (MRL) data set provide comprehensive environmental information on statutory and non-statutory MRLs applying to pesticides in food following the introduction of EC Regulation...

        Cooling tower locations

        A dataset providing the locations of cooling towers. This is a combined list managed and enforced by Leeds City Council and the Health & Safety Executive. Cooling towers are part of a...

        ENPA BAP Upland Oakwood

        The steep-sided combes and coastal slopes of Exmoor still support large expanses of ancient woodland. These are largely of the upland oak woodland type, which on Exmoor is easily defined by the...

        ENPA Section 3 Cliff and Foreshore

        Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Act 1985 requires the National Park Authority (NPA) to prepare a map of any areas of mountain, moor, heath, woodland, down, cliff or foreshore...

        Historical Research Vessel Logbook Catalogue - UK Government Research Vessel cruises

        This report describes a programme to retrieve and properly archive uncatalogued Research Vessel (RV) data held at CEFAS Lowestoft, formerly the Directorate of Fisheries Research. The earliest...

        Historical Research Vessel Logbook Catalogue - UK Government Research Vessel cruises

        This report describes a programme to retrieve and properly archive uncatalogued Research Vessel (RV) data held at CEFAS Lowestoft, formerly the Directorate of Fisheries Research. The earliest...

        Alternative Olympics 2012 Medal Table

        Looking simply at the numbers of medals won in the 2012 Olympic Games may not actually tell us which countries over-performed against our expectations based on the size of the talent pool available...

        WFD Cycle 2 mitigation measures assessment classification

        This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" dataset and contains summary data for the element mitigation measures assessment as used in the classification for Ecological...

        Internal Audit and Internal Audit and CAFT (Corporate Anti-Fraud Team) Reviews

        Internal Audit provide independent and objective assurance to the Council, its Members, the Strategic Commissioning Board (including the S151 Officer) to support them in discharging their...

        European Diploma Areas (Scotland)

        The European Diploma is an award established by the Council of Europe under Regulation (65) 6 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of 6 March 1965 for certain landscapes, reserves...


        HSE is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance and management and the prevention of pollution from the activities we undertake in the most cost effective manner. The...


        HSE is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance and management and the prevention of pollution from the activities we undertake in the most cost effective manner. The...

        Species point records from 1985 University of Bristol upper Severn Estuary survey

        This study was commissioned to extend the sparse information on the ecology of the Upper Severn Estuary in relation to the feasibility study to place a tidal energy barrage at English Stones. The...

        Habitat point records from 1985 University of Bristol upper Severn Estuary survey

        This study was commissioned to extend the sparse information on the ecology of the Upper Severn Estuary in relation to the feasibility study to place a tidal energy barrage at English Stones. The...

        RAPID The Role of Air-Sea Forcing in Causing Rapid Changes in the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation model output

        "The Role of Air-Sea Forcing in Causing Rapid Changes in the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation" project was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research...

        RAPID The Role of Air-Sea Forcing in Causing Rapid Changes in the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation model output

        "The Role of Air-Sea Forcing in Causing Rapid Changes in the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation" project was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research...

        London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2008

        > [The LAEI 2008 has since been superseded. Click here for the full list of releases.](/air-quality/) Estimates of eight key and six subsidiary pollutants are included for the base year 2008...

        IODP Survey of the "Shackleton sites" on the Southwest Iberian Margin NERC grant NE/J00653X/1

        Advances in our understanding of the Earth's climate system will rely on our ability to link high-resolution sedimentary archives from the oceans, ice-cores and terrestrial sequences, and to...