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        Occupational Health

        Occupational Health providers: Have visibility of a range of data relating to individuals who are referred to them by managers/HR. This will include data relating to age, medical history and...

        HPI: Health capital

        Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health capital: Individuals potential for health across the life course Source: Department of Health (DoH), Health Survey for England, 1998 to 2001, ONS...

        Child Health Profiles

        Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and nationally....

        Local Health Profiles

        Health profiles for all LA areas presenting a range of indicators and a snapshot of the overall health of the local population. The Department of Health was previously responsible for the...

        Child Health Profiles

        Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and...

        Health Analysis

        To inform readers on new developments in methodology affecting official statistics on health, and promote the wider use and understanding of research based on ONS data and other official...

        Local Health Profiles

        Health profiles for all LA areas presenting a range of indicators and a snapshot of the overall health of the local population. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not...

        Focus on Health

        Describes the health of people living in the UK across key dimensions: health status, risk factors, ill-health, preventive, curative and long-term care services and mortality. Source agency:...

        General Health

        Data showing the general health of Plymouth's residents.

        Health Centres

        shows the location of health services in lambeth

        Health Services

        shows the location of health services in lambeth

        Mental health: Prevalence of common mental health problems

        Number and proportion of people with neurotic disorders including phobias, depressive episodes, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder Source: Department of...

        Health and Wellbeing Profiles for Community Health Partnership (CHP) Areas

        Information about health and its determinants in Scotland's 40 Community Health Partnerships (CHPs) providing health and wellbeing profiles based on a set of 61 health indicators Source agency:...

        Health Integration Authorities

        Integration of health and social care is one of Scotland's major programmes of reform. Following the dissolution of Community Health Partnerships, the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act...

        Public Health Outcomes Framework

        Compendium of public health outcomes indicators presented at England and upper tier LA level. Indicators are split over 4 domains: improving the wider determinants of health; health improvement;...

        Public Health Outcomes Framework

        Compendium of public health outcomes indicators presented at England and upper tier LA level. Indicators are split over 4 domains: improving the wider determinants of health; health improvement;...

        Scottish Health Survey

        Comparison of key public health statistics for Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland drawn from the four countries' health surveys. Data relates to 2008 for Scotland, England and Wales and...

        GLA Health Survey Infographics

        Over 660 [Talk London]( users took part in the GLA's online health survey during March 2014. This explored people’s experiences of health services, views on health...

        Mental Health Bulletin

        This bulletin provides statistics on NHS services for people with severe and enduring mental health problems developed from the Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS) annual returns.

        Public Health Funerals

        This dataset contains details of all public health (“paupers”) funerals conducted since 2011. It is updated on a quarterly basis due to the low numbers of such funerals within the district. Under...