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        CYC stand-alone apprenticeships (excluding schools) - (Snapshot)

        CYC stand-alone apprenticeships (excluding schools) - (Snapshot)

        Global Receiver Function from 2000 to 2019

        This data set contains receiver functions calculated from three-component waveform data available in IRISDMC from 2000 to 2019. The waveform data are for earthquakes greater than magnitude 6.0,...

        Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Public sector expenditure by function, sub-function and economic category

        PESA 2009 chapter 5 presents public spending against functional, sub-functional and economic frameworks.

        Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Public sector expenditure by country, function and sub-function

        PESA 2009 chapter 10 presents a more detailed functional breakdown of the public spending by country shown in PESA chapter 9.

        Standing Approvals for Oil Spill Treatment Products (England and Wales)

        The use of oil spill treatment products (including dispersants) in waters of 20 metres depth or less, or within 1nm of any such area requires approval from the licensing authority. For England and...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2019

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to September 2019. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2017

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending September 1985 to September 2017. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2019

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2019. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2020

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2020. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2016

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2016. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2018

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2018. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2015

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2015. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2015

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to September 2015. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2018

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to September 2018. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to September 2016

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending September 1985 to September 2016. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in...

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index: data to March 2017

        Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for years ending March 1985 to March 2017. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great...

        National Forest Inventory - standing volume by age class GB 2011

        A summary NFI report of the 2011 standing volume for coniferous trees for Great Britain. This includes stocked area. Later estimates are available in the 50-year softwood forecast published 2014....

        Stand-scale multiproxy palaeoecological data from Cambusurich Wood, Scotland

        This dataset contains information about multiple palaeoecological proxies – pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, spores, microcharcoal, plant macrofossils and macrocharcoal – generated from stand-scale...

        Area Management - Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) - Functional Units

        Nephrops distribution is limited by the extent of suitable muddy sediment in which animals construct burrows. Nephrops are assessed across Europe as individual stocks in 34 functional units (FUs)....

        Area Management - Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) - Functional Units

        Nephrops distribution is limited by the extent of suitable muddy sediment in which animals construct burrows. Nephrops are assessed across Europe as individual stocks in 34 functional units (FUs)....