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        91 results found

        East England Ancient Woodland Expansion Clusters 08/09 - 11/12

        Dataset created to allow targeting of English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) grant aid in the East England Region from 2008/2009 through to the 2011/2012 EWGS prospectus. Attributes: Descriptr =...

        2024, BP Exploration, Clair Ridge Expansion Geotechnical Survey, Route Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1761

        An oil and gas industry route geotechnical site survey for Clair Ridge expansion acquired between August and September 2024.

        Inner Ultra Low Emissions Zone Expansion 2021

        The Ultra Low Emission Zone will be expanded from the 25 October 2021 to include the area up to the North and South circular roads (from the Congestion Zone). ULEZ was introduced to clean up...

        Land use maps under the trend, expansion, sustainability, and conservation scenarios in 2030 in the Luanhe River Basin, China by using the CLUMondo Model

        Dataset contains the Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) map under four scenarios (Trend, Expansion, Sustainability, and Conservation) in 2030 in the Luanhe River Basin (LRB), China, with a resolution of...

        2016, BG Group, Everest East Expansion Site Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_483

        An oil and gas industry drilling hazard, semi-sub rig site survey acquired under licence P066 in August 2016. The block number traversed was 22/10.

        2024, BP Exploration, NEP Expansion Survey BC37/BC39, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1605

        An oil and gas industry seabed investigation for Carbon Storage site survey acquired in July 2024. The block numbers traversed were 44/26, 44/27, 43/24, 43/25, 43/29, 43/30, 44/21, 44/22.

        2024, BP Exploration, NEP Expansion - BC37/BC39, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number GS_1813

        An oil and gas industry GSI for jack-up rig site survey acquired in October 2024. The block numbers traversed were 43/30, 44/27.

        Alpine grassland soil microbial and biogeochemical data from a climate change and shrub expansion experiment in Tyrol, Austria, July 2019

        Data comprise soil microbial and biogeochemical data collected during a climate and vegetation change experiment conducted across three valleys in Tyrol, in the Austrian Alps. Sites were located...

        London Wide Ultra Low Emission Zone 2023

        The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) boundary expanded across all London boroughs on 29 August 2023 to help clear London’s air. Vehicles driving across London must meet the ULEZ emission standards,...

        1955-1960 Markowski Cavendish Dock Acartia tonsa and Ficopomatus enigmaticus records

        This dataset was collected to give an indication of the invertebrate fauna of Cavendish Dock, which had undergone significant expansion in the years preceding this survey.

        1955-1960 Markowski Cavendish Dock Acartia tonsa and Ficopomatus enigmaticus records

        This dataset was collected to give an indication of the invertebrate fauna of Cavendish Dock, which had undergone significant expansion in the years preceding this survey.

        Forest and Woodland Strategy - Perth & Kinross

        Adopted at March 2020, the strategy provides a strategic framework for the development of forest and woodland in Perth and Kinross (2014-2024) and sets out a local interpretation of the Scottish...

        EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Habitat Network

        Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery, where the layer indicates ‘High Spatial Priority’. ‘Higher’ and ‘Lower’...

        Bare peat in Scotland from Sentinel 2

        The dataset shows larger expanses of bare peat across Scotland from Sentinel 2 imagery taken in summer 2018. Resolution of 10m x 10m Sentinel 2 pixels. Produced by NatureScot Geographic...

        EWCO - Nature Recovery - Priority Habitat Network

        Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery, where the layer indicates ‘Premium’, ‘Higher’ and ‘Lower’ priority areas...

        Land cover maps of Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina, 1986-2018

        [This dataset is embargoed until November 10, 2025]. The data resource consists of a series of land cover maps built using raster and shapefiles to evaluate the expansion of the invasive Ligustrum...

        Thermodynamic properties of FeS polymorphs (NERC grant NE/J010626/1, NE/J010626/2)

        FeS polymorphs are of significant relevance to condensed matter physics and planetary science. In particular, they are thought to form the cores of Earth and Mars, which is suggested by their...

        Organic Farming Scheme Options (England)

        Organic Farming Scheme Options points. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic farming methods receive...

        Organic Farming Scheme Agreements (England)

        Organic Farming Scheme agreements holding boundaries data. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic...

        Settlement Boundaries

        Administrative boundaries for all towns and villages with a population of more than 100 and with a recognised nucleus of village life, such as a school, local shop or public house, as defined in...