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        1,588 results found

        Commissioning Support Units

        Commissioning Support Units (CSU) Contains: Ecsu.csv contains parent CSUs and Data Management and Integration Centres (DMIC). DMICs will collate commissioning intelligence pertaining to a...

        Clinical Commissioning Groups

        Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) Contains: Eccg.csv contains parent CCGs. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current or previous...

        Commission Academy Training numbers

        A list of people and organisations that are signed up within cohorts on the Commissioning Academy

        Forestry Commission Woodland Officer Boundaries England

        Boundaries describing the areas of reponsibility for Woodland Officers working for Forestry Commission England and the Forestry Commission administrative areas in which they work. Attributes:...

        Clinical Commissioning Group Sites

        Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Sites Contains: Eccgsite.csv contains just CCG sites. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current or...

        Commissioning Support Unit Sites

        Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) Sites Contains: Ecsusite.csv contains just CSU sites. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current or...

        Clinical Commissioning Groups

        Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2016) full clipped, generalised boundaries in England. Boundaries for these geographies have been generalised (to 20 metres) and clipped. You can find further...

        Dental Contracts and Commissioning

        Information about the number of new NHS dental contracts signed and rejected and the approximate service value of these contracts. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not...

        Airports Commission meetings with stakeholders

        Meeting and visits listing between Airports Commission members and stakeholders since September 2012.

        Clinical Commissioning Group Population Estimates

        This product is part of the set of Small Area Population Estimates (SAPE). It includes estimates of the usually resident population as at 30 June of the reference year for health geographies in...

        Commission Notice & Single Vehicle Approval

        Commission Notice & Single Vehicle Approval, 3000 records per annum collected. Name address and contact details held, whether cheque payment was used ("yes" or "no" only) and vehicle details

        Expenses data in Audit Commission

        The Audit Commission's Board and management team are fully committed to the Government's transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased to publish data about all of our expense claims over...

        Forestry Commission GPC spend over £500

        A monthly list of all GPC transactions over £500 made by the Forestry Commission as part of the Governments committment to Transparency in Expenditure.

        Forestry Commission Event and Facility use Customer List

        A list of individuals who have used Forestry Commission facilities and attended Forestry Commission organised events and concerts.

        Competition Commission Salaries Data @ 31 March 2013

        Competition Commission salary data @ 31/03/2013

        Competition Commission External Spending Data 2013-2014

        Competition Commission monthly external expenditure April 2013 to March 2014

        Spend over £250 in Audit Commission

        The Audit Commission's Board and management team are fully committed to the Government's transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased to publish data about all the payments we make to...

        Competition Commission External Spending Data 2012-13

        Competition Commission external expenditure on a monthly basis from April 2012 to March 2013

        Legal Services Commission annual statistics report

        The Legal Services Commission is responsible for delivering, through high quality service providers, legal aid, advice and representation to people with problems in England and Wales. We deliver...

        Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2019) Boundaries EN BUC

        Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2019) Boundaries EN BUCThis file contains the digital vector boundaries for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England as at April 2019. The boundaries available...