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266 results found

Litter Bins

This dataset shows the locations of litter bins in the Borough.

Litter Bins

Location of litter bins maintained by the North Ayrshire Council Streetscene team

Cats per square kilometre

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the mean number of cats per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Litter bins

This dataset comprises point data showing the locations of litter bins managed and emptied by Bristol City Council Street Cleansing teams.

Cat population per postcode district

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the predicted population of cats per postcode district (e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean estimate for population for each district, and was...

Litter bin locations

Litter bin locations showing council bin id number and Easting and Northing

Fixed Penalty Notices - Litter

Fixed Penalty Notices - Litter

Cats per household per postcode district

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing the mean cat ownership characteristics per household at a postcode district level(e.g. YO41). This dataset gives the mean household owership rate for...

Council Litter Bins

Areas affected by Council Litter Bins. Areas are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Calls for Service - Litter

Calls for Service - Litter *This indicator is discontinued

Fixed Penalty Notice - Litter

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for littering from 2005 to 2009 by local authorities.

Whole Genome Sequence Data - Newbury Cats

Whole genome sequence dataset of all variable sites from isolates of bovine tuberculosis that was used to generate Figure 2 of Roberts , T., O’Connor, C., Nuñez-Garcia , J., de la Rua -Domenech, R....

Litter Bins and Dog Bins

Location of litter bins and dog bins in York. For further information about litter and litter bins please visit the [City of York Council...

Dog and Litter Bins - Unresolved Incidents

This dataset contains __current unresolved__ dog and litter bin incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from December 2019 onwards. Please...

Litter fines issued by 3GS

A dataset which shows the Fixed Penalty Notices for littering issued by 3GS who are contracted by Leeds City Council. FPN's for littering issued by Council officers can be found...

Cats per square kilometre- lower 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing a lower estimate of cats per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided for...

Cats per square kilometre- upper 95th percentile

This dataset is a modelled dataset, describing an upper estimate of cats per square kilometre across GB. The figures are aligned to the British national grid, with a population estimate provided...

Litter and detritus

Percentage of unacceptable levels of litter and detritus Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive - Archived Geographies: Local Authority...

Dog and Litter Bins - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ dog and litter bin incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from December 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset...

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported