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        22 results found

        2005 Hawkins et al. Solent Crepidula fornicata records

        A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (NOC). The species listed is Crepidula fornicata.

        2005 Hawkins et al. Solent Crepidula fornicata records

        A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (NOC). The species listed is Crepidula fornicata.

        High-precision CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology of zircon from Rio Blanco - Los Bronces Cu Porphyry system

        High-precision CA-ID-TIMS (Chemical Abrasion Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry) Uranium-Lead geochronology of zircon, extracted from igneous plutonic and mineralised porphyry...

        Compilation of: QEMSCAN; whole-rock, quartz and zircon geochemistry; zircon Lu-Hf isotopes; molybdenite Re-Os geochronology; and zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS data from the Yerington Batholith, Nevada, USA (NERC Grant NE/L002434/1)

        Petrographic, whole-rock, quartz and zircon geochemistry, zircon Lu-Hf isotopes, molybdenite Re-Os geochronology and zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS data from the Yerington Batholith, Nevada, USA. This data...

        Processed multibeam bathymetry data from the northeast Atlantic (JC215, 2021)

        Multibeam swath bathymetry data were collected with a hull-mounted Kongsberg EM122 echosounder during RRS James Cook cruise JC215 (Principal Investigator Helen Oldridge) in June/July 2021. The...

        Uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating of the Wensleydale Granite, Yorkshire Dales, UK

        We undertook U-Pb analysis - both high precision ID-TIMS and high spatial resolution LA-MC-ICP-MS – to determine the age of the Wensleydale Granite. This was done in order to resolve the ambiguity...

        Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR11593

        Survey name: Southwick, Land North of Hawkins Crescent Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites...

        Isotope ratio measurements of the AMES Ce (cerium) standard (Willbold, 2007) (NERC Grant NE/J018031/1)

        The dataset consists of a table of 64 isotope ratio measurements of the AMES Ce standard (Willbold, 2007). The data was collected at Imperial College, London between April 2013 and March 2014 using...

        A global Ediacaran-Cambrian Age Model of 130 geological successions, with radiometric ages (zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS), carbon (δ13Ccarb) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope data (NERC Grant NE/T008458/1)

        We present new age models for the Ediacaran-Cambrian which lacks a robust global temporal framework. This interval marks the radiation of animals, but there are major uncertainties in the...

        QUEST Quaternary: Marine isotope and glacial cycle model data (150,000 years ago to present)

        Quaternary QUEST was led by Dr Tim Lenton at UEA, with a team of 10 co-investigators at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Reading, Leeds, Bristol, Southampton and at UEA. This dataset...

        QUEST Quaternary: Marine isotope and glacial cycle model data (150,000 years ago to present)

        Quaternary QUEST was led by Dr Tim Lenton at UEA, with a team of 10 co-investigators at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Reading, Leeds, Bristol, Southampton and at UEA. This dataset...

        High precision zircon U-Pb data for plutonic rocks from the Masirah and Ra's Madrakah ophiolites, South East Oman

        Zircon U-Pb isotope data are presented for eight plutonic rocks from the Masirah ophiolite and one plutonic rock from the Ra's Madrakah ophiolite (south east Oman). These data constrain the age of...

        Neodymium and Strontium isotope compositions of Miocene to recent sediments collected at Site U1521 during International Ocean Discovery Programme (IODP) Expedition 374 to the Ross Sea, Antarctica. (NERC Grant NE/R018219/1)

        This dataset comprises neodymium (Nd) and strontium (Sr) isotope compositions measured on 72 sediment samples, from IODP Expedition 374 Site U1521 to the Ross Sea. These were collected on the RV...

        RAPID To What Extent was the Little Ice Age a Result of a Change in the Thermohaline Circulation?: HadCM3 model outputs

        "To what extent was the Little Ice Age a result of a change in the thermohaline circulation?" project. This was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research Programme...

        RAPID To What Extent was the Little Ice Age a Result of a Change in the Thermohaline Circulation?: HadCM3 model outputs

        "To what extent was the Little Ice Age a result of a change in the thermohaline circulation?" project. This was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research Programme...

        Input, output files and source code for the study of subsurface energy balance for a vertical geothermal Ground-Source Heat Exchanger in Scotland (NERC Grant NE/S007407/1)

        The dataset consists of a series of input and output files for the 1D and 3D numerical models used to demonstrate the impact of heat mining for a 100-m long vertical Borehole Heat Exchanger (BHE)...

        GSNI 250K Geology

        250k Bedrock Geology A 1:250,000 map showing the main geological bedrock divisions in Northern Ireland. The data comprises the bedrock geology, which represents the outcrops (at surface) and...

        Continental extension leading to breakup: determining the 3D structure of the west Galicia rifted margin (NERC Grant NE/E015883/1)

        The data result from a cooperative project between the U.K., U.S., Germany, Spain, and Portugal. This 2013 seismic experiment surveyed the Galicia Bank region off Iberia with the RV Marcus...

        GSNI 250K Bedrock

        A 1:250,000 map showing the main geological bedrock divisions in Northern Ireland. The bedrock shown on GeoIndex map comprises the bedrock geology, which represents the outcrops (at surface) and...

        GSNI 50K Bedrock

        1:50,000 maps showing the main geological bedrock divisions in Northern Ireland. The bedrock shown on each map comprises the bedrock geology, which represents the outcrops (at surface) and subcrops...