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        DefSy-ResPers-Per Sy Data Records

        A spreadsheet holding detail on all paper files held within the section relating to DV and SC clearance cases requiring DBR-DefSy action.

        HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic Radiometric VLF Survey North Midlands (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

        High Resolution, Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey over north Midlands of GB. Survey flying for the collaborative BGS and World Geoscience Corporation Ltd (WGC) high resolution geophysical...

        GSNI Tellus Regional Airborne Geophysical Survey - Magnetic Grids

        Data were processed using Geosoft Oasis Montaj and supplied in three formats. * Geosoft Grid * ESRI Geodatabase * ASCII Grid Note that the presence of ‘Minc from V3 gdb, cellsize 35m’ in the grid...

        Trait expression of marine benthic assemblages across the UK shelf modelled for the years 1976 to 2020

        The data consist of two trait expression datasets described in Bolam, Downie and Cooper (2023). Used in conjunction with a number of raster data layers (see paper for details) and the...

        Mechanical and physical properties of quartz sand aggregates (NERC grant NE/K009656/1)

        These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, pore pressure, pore volume and elastic wave velocities of samples of quartz sand aggregates deformed under hydrostatic and...

        Model outputs created using the NIS (Non indigenous species) surveillance simulator in 2024

        This is the data associated with a surveillance simulator to determine detection time, detection failure and overall survey probability of detection for NIS introduced at seed site(s) with...

        Cyclic loading stress-strain data in polycrystalline antigorite serpentinite, at various confining pressures and temperatures (NERC grant NE/M016471/1)

        Cyclic loading stress-strain data in polycrystalline antigorite serpentinite, at various confining pressures and temperatures. This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper:...

        Mechanical and acoustic properties of antigorite during brittle deformation (NERC grant NE/M016471/1)

        These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, elastic wave velocities of samples of Vermont antigorite and Westerly granite deformed under hydrostatic and triaxial...

        Mechanical and physical properties of decane-saturated Purbeck Limestone (NERC Grant NE/K009656/1)

        These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, pore pressure, pore volume, permeability and elastic wave velocities of samples of Purbeck Limestone deformed under hydrostatic...

        Low-frequency, temperature-dependent seismic properties of antigorite (NERC grants NE/K009656/1, NE/M016471/1)

        These data contain the shear modulus and attenuation of Vermont antigorite serpentinite in the seismic "low" frequency range, as functions of oscillation period (ranging from 1 to 1000s) and...

        Gro for GooD ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) Data, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

        Results of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) conducted in Kwale County, Kenya December 2015 and June 2016 by University of Nairobi and Water Resources Management Authority as part of the Gro...

        Numerical calculations of compacting flow past spheres and circular cylinders (NERC grant NE/I023929/1)

        This data contains the results of numerical simulations described in the following two papers: Alisic L., Rhebergen S., Rudge J.F., Katz R.F., Wells G.N. Torsion of a cylinder of partially molten...

        Results of AquaNet-Mod for projecting the economic burden of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) listed diseases across English and Welsh Salmonid industry

        The outputs of the Aquaculture Network Disease Model (AquaNet-Mod), predicting the epidemiological and economic burden of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia in English and Welsh salmonid farms under...

        Glass chemistry of eruption deposits from volcanoes around Mexico City (NERC Grant NE/S009035/1)

        Electron microprobe glass chemistry data from explosive eruption deposits from Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl and Tláloc-Telapón volcanoes in Central México, spanning the last 700 ka. Associated with...

        GSNI Tellus Regional Airborne Geophysical Survey - Electromagnetics

        This dataset presents the results of the Tellus Electromagnetic data as xyz data. Channels in the dataset are: X: Grid Easting (m) Y: Grid Northing (m) LAT: WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees LONG:...

        Anton Dohrn biotope map

        Translated from Anton Dohrn biotope maps showing all Annex I and non-Annex I habitats. Translated to EUNIS by JNCC. Data collected aboard the MV Franklin in July 2009: Acoustics (Multibeam...

        GSNI Tellus Regional Airborne Geophysical Survey - Magnetics

        This dataset presents the results of the Tellus Magnetic data as xyz data. Channels in the dataset are: X: Grid Easting Y: Grid northing LAT: WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees LONG: WGS84 longitude...

        Deformation of Sandstone under Crustal Pressure and Temperature Conditions (NERC Grant NE/L002485/1)

        Data generated at UCL on a conventional triaxial apparatus used to deform three different sandstones at room temperature and 150 °C. The data includes the raw mechanical data (time, load,...

        P-wave and S-wave tomographic models for the Northeast Africa region (NERC grant NE/I020342/1)

        P-wave and S-wave tomographic models for the Northeast Africa region. They have been calculated using relative travel time tomography. For full details of method and models see the following...

        Airborne Magnetic Survey Records For United Kingdom And Adjacent Areas.

        Analogue aeromagnetic surveys of Great Britain for the Geological Survey (GSGB), subsequently digitised. Commercial Analogue survey of North Sea by Aerosurveys Inc, subsequently digitised by BGS....