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Transport Connectivity Travel Time Data

Representative travel times from each small area of England to selected transport destinations (airports, larger rail stations and major road junctions) which are the outputs of journey time...

Annual List of Non GCSE Qualifications That Count Towards Key Stage 4 Performance Tables

The Department for Education publishes an annual list of non GCSE qualifications that count towards performance tables. Only qualifications that have been judged to be high quality, rigorous, are...

Main Rivers

The statutory main river map is a 1:10,000 scale spatial (polyline) dataset that defines statutory watercourses designated by Natural Resources Wales as main rivers. The data is for Wales...

1997, Kerr McGee North Sea (UK) Ltd, Janice Field Development (UKCS 30/17 to UKCS 30/13), Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number KM97SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (Janice UKCS 30/17 oil export to wye-piece tie-in UKCS 30/13) acquired between October and November 1997. The block numbers traversed...

Section 106 Agreements

Overlay shows the extent of section 106 boundaries as polygons within Eastleigh Borough Council. A section106 agreement is a legally binding obligation attached to a piece of land. They enable the...

S52 Agreements

Section 52 agreement was a set of planning obligations contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 relating to specific pieces of land. It was amended into Section 106 of the same act in...

Private Non-Financial Corporations Sector Report

A sector overview of Private Non-Financial Corporations (non-financial companies listed on the London Stock Exchange). Draws on various pieces of relevant data produced by the ONS for the...

S52 and S53 Agreements

Section 52 agreement was a set of planning obligations contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 relating to specific pieces of land. It was amended into Section 106 of the same act in...

Lakes Inventory

This is the Welsh subset of an inventory of standing waters (freshwater lakes and lochs) derived from Ordnance Survey digital map data at a scale of 1:50 000 . The inventory basic physical...

Allotment Locations

An allotment garden, often called simply an allotment is a plot of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants. Such plots are formed by subdividing a piece...

Urban Audit II

Compilation of variables collected for Urban Audit II, which focus on a wide range of topics. Covers data for 24 cities in the UK and is available for City, Sub-City District and Larger Urban Zone....

Census 2022 – Localities

Larger settlements are divided into localities to reflect areas which are more easily identifiable as the towns and cities of Scotland. Statistics produced from this geography can be used to...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2021 Q1

The FCA provides an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the first quarter of 2021. This is the first in a series of regular updates that will monitor coverage over...

Soil and gas measurements from Puna grasslands under different land management over one year

The dataset contains concentrations of total soil organic carbon, soil carbon fractions, soil CO2 fluxes, soil temperature and moisture in the Peruvian Andes. Measurements and sampling took place...

Deaths (Number)

Number of Deaths registered annually in Lincolnshire and Districts, by gender. This ONS data is shown by the deceased person's area of usual residence, so in some cases a death might occur in an...

Allerdale Section 52 Agreements Land Charge

Section 52 Agreements recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents. Section 52 agreement was a set of planning obligations contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 relating...

Allerdale Section 215 Agreements Land Charge

Section 215 Agreements recorded as Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents. Section 215 notices may be served by the local planning authority where it is considered that the condition of a...

Cod End Mesh Size Trials in the SW Otter Trawl Fishery 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

Eleven days of sea trials comprising 40 tows were successfully completed on board the twin-rig otter trawler ‘Our Olivia Belle’ (BD277) in the Western English Channel in August 2017 allowing...

Cod End Mesh Size Trials in the SW Otter Trawl Fishery 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

Eleven days of sea trials comprising 40 tows were successfully completed on board the twin-rig otter trawler ‘Our Olivia Belle’ (BD277) in the Western English Channel in August 2017 allowing...

Foraging behaviour of Parus major held in temporary captivity

The data set describes foraging decisions by great tits (Parus major), held in temporary captivity. Data were collected from birds caught from forest at the University of Jyväskylä Research...