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        725 results found

        Weekly solar PV installation & capacity statistics

        As deployment of solar PV under the FiT scheme has now stabilised the need for weekly statistics has reduced, DECC will therefore no longer be producing weekly solar PV statistics from 2 April...

        Registered Social Landlord average weekly rents, England

        Presents information on the average weekly rents for rented Registered Social Landlord dwellings by local authority district, county and region in England. Source agency: Communities and Local...

        Criminal cases dealt with within 26 weeks

        This report provides information on progress towards the key Justice system performance target "the percentage of summary criminal cases dealt with within 26 weeks". Source agency: Scottish...

        Median earnings of residents - Gross Weekly Pay (£)

        Median earnings of residents - Gross Weekly Pay (£) This measure is the median weekly earnings for full-time employees (working 39.1 hours per week – 2017 average) where half the workers earn...

        Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles (Weekly Average)

        Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles (Weekly Average)

        Eighteen Weeks Referral to Treatment Waiting Times

        Quarterly waiting times statistics for the 18 weeks Referral To Treatment standard. From November 2011 release this publication will be renamed NHS Scotland Waiting Times. Source agency: ISD...

        A&E weekly data

        The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

        A&E weekly data

        The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

        Average Daily Footfall In Aviation House By Week

        This dataset shows the daily average of FSA staff entering Aviation House by week. The weekly total number of FSA Staff entering Aviation House is divided by 5 to give the daily average.

        Covid-19 - Hospital admissions in Leicester by week

        Number of weekly Covid-19 related hospital admissions to University Hospitals Leicester (UHL) for Leicester residents.  Data where the count is less than 3 admissions have been suppressed to "..". ...

        Weekly Data on Births and Deaths Registered in Scotland

        Provisional weekly births and deaths registration data for Scotland. Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Weekly...

        Weekly Data on Births and Deaths Registered in Scotland

        Provisional weekly births and deaths registration data for Scotland. Source agency: General Register Office for Scotland Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

        Newcastle Libraries opening hours per week

        Number of hours per week each library is open at 31st March of each year, starting in 2010.   Additional information Benwell reopened as West End Library 17/11/08. Blakelaw temporary closure,...

        Covid-19 weekly positive cases by local area (MSOA)

        Number and rate of weekly Covid-19 cases for Leicester local areas (MSOAs).  For MSOAs with fewer than 3 weekly cases, we do not show data.  This is to protect individuals' identities.

        Local Authority Average Weekly Rents By District, England

        Presents information on the average weekly rents for rented local authority dwellings in England. This release has now been replaced by Local Authority Housing Statistics: Local Authority-owned...

        Weekly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices) Northern Ireland

        Weekly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices). Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

        Successful quitters at 4 weeks per 100,000 smokers

        Successful quitters at 4 weeks per 100,000 smokers

        Weekly Provisional Figures on Deaths Registered in England and Wales

        The number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest eight weeks for which data are available. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

        Antenatal assessments within 13 weeks (CCGOIS 1.13)

        The percentage of women who have seen a midwife or a maternity healthcare professional by 12 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy. Current version updated: Dec-15 Next version due: TBC

        The Pocket Data Bank (Weekly Economic Indicators)

        The Pocket databank is a weekly HM Treasury statistical publication, containing major economic indicators and series for both the domestic and international economies. The focus of the Pocket...