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If you reuse this data, you should cite: Rennie, S., Adamson, J., Anderson, R., Andrews, C., Bater, J., Bayfield, N., Beaton, K., Beaumont, D., Benham, S., Bowmaker, V., Britt, C., Brooker, R., Brooks, D., Brunt, J., Common, G., Cooper, R., Corbett, S., Critchley, N., Dennis, P., Dick, J., Dodd, B., Dodd, N., Donovan, N., Easter, J., Eaton, E., Flexen, M., Gardiner, A., Hamilton, D., Hargreaves, P., Hatton-Ellis, M., Howe, M., Kahl, J., Lane, M., Langan, S., Lloyd, D., McElarney, Y., McKenna, C., McMillan, S., Milne, F., Milne, L., Morecroft, M., Murphy, M., Nelson, A., Nicholson, H., Pallett, D., Parry, D., Pearce, I., Pozsgai, G., Riley, A. , Rose, R., Schafer, S., Scott, T., Sherrin, L., Shortall, C., Smith, R., Smith, P., Tait, R., Taylor, C., Taylor, M., Thurlow, M., Turner, A., Tyson, K., Watson, H., Whittaker, M., Woiwod, I. (2015). UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) moth data: 1992-2012. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre
Harvest GUID
Latitude: 60.861° to 49.864°
Longitude: -8.648° to 1.768°
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Dataset reference date
2015-02-25 (publication)
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Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (author); Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (author); Rothamsted Research (author); The James Hutton Institute (author); Rothamsted Research, North Wyke (author); Forest Research (author); Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru - Natural Resources Wales (author); ADAS (author); UK Environmental Change Network (pointOfContact); NERC Environmental Information Data Centre (publisher); NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre (custodian)
ISO 19139 resource type
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