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Police Force Areas (December 2017) EW BUC 500CSV

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OBJECTID pfa17cd pfa17nm bng_e bng_n long lat Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E23000001 Metropolitan Police 517516 178392 -0.30864 51.492271 1578400908.46261 279427.116048811 5e250fc7-06a3-4e39-baf0-dfa384195027
2 E23000002 Cumbria 341868 527389 -2.90218 54.63826 6834796095.09512 523728.579593013 ba70e242-7f8a-4055-acb7-0a353915996b
3 E23000003 Lancashire 363669 441026 -2.55392 53.864182 3077363831.93097 385033.344940476 47547f0a-a03c-4ebe-a3b3-e51b02d91c4e
4 E23000004 Merseyside 344324 390164 -2.83893 53.40535 648152648.466309 218908.519537276 ead06cdf-467b-46b9-9d8c-34f6621d9af0