Survey of the Ryevitalise Project area during 2017. The Ryevitalise Project Area consists of an area of western part of the North York Moors National Park, part of the Howardian Hill AONB, and part of Ryedale District Council (north). Captured as lines with attribute information. The Phase 1 Habitat Classification and associated field survey technique provide a standardised system to record semi-natural vegetation and other wildlife habitats. The approach is designed to cover large areas of countryside relatively rapidly. It presents the user with a basic assessment of habitat type and potential importance for nature conservation. Each habitat type/feature is identified by way of a brief description of its defining features. It is then allocated a specific name, an alpha-numeric code, and unique mapping colour.
The Phase 1 classification comprises ten (A-J) broad high level categories:
A: Woodland and scrub
B: Grassland and marsh
C: Tall herb and fen
D: Heathland
E: Mire
F: Swamp, marginal and inundation
G: Open water
H: Coastland
I: Exposure and waste
J: Miscellaneous
Amongst these, 155 specific habitat types are recognised, each having its own name, alpha-numeric code, description and mapping colour.
There are 3 datasets which make up the Ryevitalise Phase 1 Habitat Survey, habitat polygons, linear features and species target notes.