Other statistics published alongside the statistical first release.
These are not National Statistics, but complement the information in the main release.
FE trends
FE trends provides an overview of adult (19+) government-funded further education and all age apprenticeships in England. It looks to provide trends between 2008/09 and 2013/14 and to give an overview of FE provision, characteristics of learners and outcomes over time.
International Comparisons Supplementary Tables
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) produces an annual publication, Education at a Glance, providing a variety of comparisons between OECD countries. The table provided here contains a summary of the relative ranking in education attainment of the 25-64 year old population in OECD countries in 2012.
The OECD statistics use the International Standard Classification of Education. Within this, “at least upper secondary education” is equivalent to holding qualifications at Level 2 or above in the UK, and “tertiary education” is equivalent to holding qualifications at Level 4 or above in the UK.
This research is the result of a Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) funded, sector led project to gather and analyse data to inform the contribution that further education makes to STEM in England.
This project was led by The Royal Academy of Engineering, and governance of the project was specifically designed to ensure that those with an interest in STEM were actively engaged and involved in directing and prioritising outputs.
The November 2012 report builds on the FE and Skills STEM Data report published in July 2011 (below). It provides further analysis and interpretation of the existing data in a highly graphical format. It uses the same classified list of S,T, E and M qualifications as the 2011 report compiled through an analysis of the Register of Regulated Qualifications and the Learning Aim Database, updated with the most recent completions and achievements data taken from the Individualised Learner Record and the National Pupil Database.