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Special Protection Areas (SPAs)site detailsNatura2000-tranche50-SPAbasic.csv
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Download this fileSITE_CODE | SITE_NAME | Status | Country | IS_MARINE | SITE_MARINE_AREA % of site | Zone | LOCAL_AUTHORITY | Overview | SITE_AREA ha | Site_length_km | Latitude | Longitude | X_coord | Y_coord | Grid_ref | SITE_COMP_DATE | Date_first_classified | SITE_QUALITY | SITE_CHARACTERISTICS | SITE_SPA_LEGAL_REF | SITE_EXPLANATIONS |
UK9009141 | Abberton Reservoir | Designated SPA | E | 0 | 0 | Terrestrial | Essex | Abberton Reservoir is located close to the coast of Essex in eastern England. It is a large, shallow, freshwater storage reservoir built in a long, shallow valley and is the largest freshwater body in Essex. It is one of the most important reservoirs in Britain for wintering wildfowl, with a key role as a roost for wildfowl and waders feeding in adjacent estuarine areas. The site is also important for winter feeding and autumn moulting of waterbirds. The margins of parts of the reservoir have well-developed plant communities that provide important opportunities for feeding, nesting and shelter. Abberton Reservoir is important especially as an autumn arrival area for waterbirds that subsequently spend the winter elsewhere. | 718.31 | 0 | 51.82694444 | 0.872777778 | 597597 | 217145 | TL979182 | 01/12/1991 | 01/12/1991 | ARTICLE 4.2 QUALIFICATION (79/409/EEC) During the breeding season the area regularly supports: Phalacrocorax carbo (North-western Europe) 7% of the population in Great Britain 5 year mean, 1993-1997 Over winter the area regularly supports: Anas clypeata (North-western/Central Europe) 1.6% of the population 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Anas crecca (North-western Europe) 2.5% of the population in Great Britain 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Anas penelope (Western Siberia/North-western/North-eastern Europe) 0.2% of the population 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Anas strepera (North-western Europe) 1.7% of the population 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Aythya ferina (North-western/North-eastern Europe) 4.4% of the population in Great Britain 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Aythya fuligula (North-western Europe) 3.1% of the population in Great Britain 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Bucephala clangula (North-western/Central Europe) 2.7% of the population in Great Britain 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Cygnus olor (Britain) 1.9% of the population in Great Britain 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Fulica atra (North-western Europe - wintering) 11% of the population in Great Britain 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 Podiceps cristatus (North-western Europe - wintering) 1.3% of the population in Great Britain 5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96 ARTICLE 4.2 QUALIFICATION (79/409/EEC): AN INTERNATIONALLY IMPORTANT ASSEMBLAGE OF BIRDS Over winter the area regularly supports: 39763 waterfowl (5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96) Including: Podiceps cristatus , Anas penelope , Anas strepera , Anas crecca , Anas clypeata , Aythya ferina , Aythya fuligula , Bucephala clangula , Fulica atra | 1 Terrestrial: Soil & Geology: clay,neutral 2 Terrestrial: Geomorphology and landscape: lowland,valley Hydrological info. (new category): Water supply Ramsar Wetland Types: Human-made wetlands | Regulations 12A and 13-15 of the Conservation Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, ( as amended by The Conservation of Habitats and Species (Amendment) Regulations 2011 ( | Not set |