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% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (Local Recording)Performance Indicator : CES05

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KpiId KpiName Value DataType Period StartDate EndDate CollectionFrequency
CES05 % of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-01) 4.00 % Percentage 2009/2010 2009-04-01 2010-03-31 Annual
CES05 % of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-01) 3.00 % Percentage 2010/2011 2010-04-01 2011-03-31 Annual
CES05 % of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-01) 2.00 % Percentage 2011/2012 2011-04-01 2012-03-31 Annual
CES05 % of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-01) 2.00 % Percentage 2012/2013 2012-04-01 2013-03-31 Annual