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Potato Cyst Nematode Survey - Statutory Sampling and Plant Passporting 2015Resource locator

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Region Visit Date Job Desc Sample area (Ha.) No. samples Cysts Non viable Fields Non Viable Cysts Area Non Viable Cysts Cysts Viable Globodera Pallida Cysts Viable GloboderaRostochiensis Pallida infested Area Pallida Infested Rostochiensis Infested Area Rostochiensis Infested Combined Pallida & Rostochiensis Infested Area Combined Pallida & Rostochiensis Infested
CT 22/05/2015 PH13 Inspection 0.01 1 0 Not set Not set 0 0 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
CT 17/04/2015 PH13 Inspection Not set Not set 0 Not set Not set 0 0 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
CT 17/04/2015 PH13 Inspection Not set Not set 0 Not set Not set 0 0 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
CT 17/04/2015 PH13 Inspection Not set Not set 0 Not set Not set 0 0 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set