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Walsall Brownfield Land Register CSVWalsall Brownfield Land Register

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OrganisationURI OrganisationLabel SiteReference PreviouslyPartOf SiteNameAddress SiteplanURL CoordinateReferenceSystem GeoX GeoY Hectares OwnershipStatus Deliverable PlanningStatus PermissionType PermissionDate PlanningHistory ProposedForPIP MinNetDwellings DevelopmentDescription NonHousingDevelopment Part2 NetDwellingsRangeFrom NetDwellingsRangeTo HazardousSubstances SiteInformation Notes FirstAddedDate LastUpdatedDate Walsall Council HO0014a Not set "Pinson Road (Little London School), Willenhall" Not set ETRS89 -2.056279 52.585999 0.87 not owned by a public authority Not set permissioned full planning permission 2016-01-08 Not set Not set 20 Not set Not set Not set 20 20 Not set Not set Not set 2017-12-29 2017-12-29 Walsall Council HO0023b Not set "Kendrick Place and Castle View Road, Moxley" Not set ETRS89 -2.054603 52.559429 0.73 owned by a public authority Not set not permissioned Not set Not set Not set Not set 25 Not set Not set Not set 25 25 Not set Not set Not set 2017-12-29 2017-12-29 Walsall Council HO0027 Not set "Goscote Lodge Crescent (Site B), Goscote" Not set ETRS89 -1.972005 52.610173 11.11 mixed ownership Not set pending decision Not set Not set Not set Not set 426 Not set Not set Not set 426 426 Not set Not set Not set 2017-12-29 2017-12-29 Walsall Council HO0029 Not set "Goscote Lane Copper Works, Goscote" Not set ETRS89 -1.979133 52.61814 8.76 not owned by a public authority Not set not permissioned Not set Not set Not set Not set 395 Not set Not set Not set 395 395 Not set Not set Not set 2017-12-29 2017-12-29