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LEPOP (Apr 2017) Full Clipped Boundaries in EnglandCSV

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OBJECTID lepop17cd lepop17nm bng_e bng_n long lat Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E52000001 Buckinghamshire Thames Valley / South East Midlands (LEPOP) 477330 223021 -0.87746 51.90037918 902753230.253349 243091.481221897 3387149c-ed12-4d6b-9c58-c0440994bd63
2 E52000002 Coast to Capital / London (LEPOP) 533922 164745 -0.07761 51.36597824 86494439.7452011 58703.8814451126 87c836f0-8276-44b1-85e6-3400711ecb3f
3 E52000003 Coast to Capital / South East (LEPOP) 541474 105685 0.007671 50.83340836 292064226.662872 167744.927292731 15d5be8d-d32b-4f1f-9392-7ebaa0a6d50e
4 E52000004 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire / Sheffield City Region (LEPOP) 431594 365668 -1.52864003 53.18719101 1935115432.12923 455314.329606045 f939480e-eadf-48af-a903-9095108b983e