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Access contraints
The ARC/INFO version of DCW (which only exists in edition #02) is not public domain. The copyright for the ARC/INFO version of the data is held by ESRI; they sell the data on 4 CDs, on which the world is cut into tiles 5 by 5 degrees. Penn State only has permission to redistribute the data by country. The DCW dataset for the United Kingdom was downloaded, converted to shapefile and ingested to the ShareGeo Data Repository website.
Harvest GUID
Latitude: 61.65860000000001° to 49.9°
Longitude: -8.655° to 1.79°
Spatial reference system
WGS84 Latitude Longitude
Dataset reference date
2009-01-16 (publication)
Frequency of update
Responsible party
EDINA (distributor)
ISO 19139 resource type
Metadata language
Source Metadata


Freedom of Information (FOI) requests

Contact University of Edinburgh regarding this dataset

Licence information

Several maps and charts may be based in whole or in part on information from other official U.S. Government sources. Copyright, classification or other restrictions may continue to exist. Refer to the original source and compilation material for this information.; The representation of international boundaries on the various maps and charts is not necessarily authoritative.; Cite the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), or now known as National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) .