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Local Enterprise Partnerships (May 2021) EN BFCCSV

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OBJECTID LEP21CD LEP21NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E37000001 Black Country 397407 292505 -2.03964 52.53042 356927419.064247 130730.7821718 572ad080-fa58-46b0-abb4-87cfb15c9b4c
2 E37000003 Cheshire and Warrington 368759 368676 -2.46927 53.21423 2267003364.1657 474931.800894702 6c4dde8b-3d4c-46b3-b472-86b5a45ae55e
3 E37000005 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 212497 64493 -4.64254 50.45022 3565256990.4761 1359713.65960901 3a9932fb-14ec-44b1-978d-4b5cdf9d56b6
4 E37000006 Coventry and Warwickshire 429584 266723 -1.5676 52.29785 2076159518.87086 366814.73294834 a6646c03-763e-4acd-ba43-224016f24987