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Counties (December 2021) Boundaries EN BFECSV

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OBJECTID CTY21CD CTY21NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT GlobalID Shape__Area Shape__Length
1 E10000003 Cambridgeshire 520312 273864 -0.23506 52.34966 aca09103-6b48-4b55-b693-50e65fd372f3 3054007574.69138 421460.419708849
2 E10000006 Cumbria 341868 527180 -2.90213 54.63638 f45c414c-1e6c-4159-8d85-3a3bfbd4905e 7183708511.20192 578174.454694289
3 E10000007 Derbyshire 426752 353556 -1.6021 53.07858 c36cdd67-38d3-4d4f-a293-f734aa1de573 2550760412.93956 469089.428127804
4 E10000008 Devon 283143 93085 -3.65698 50.72558 ab1ef218-9453-4372-af11-40d8b058fa23 6633245913.60516 829782.964496883