Status field - 1 = Footpath, 2 = Bridleway, 3 = Restricted Byway*, 4 = Byway.
The public rights of way data displayed is for information and general use purposes only and is not the legal record.
The precise position and alignment of public rights of way can only be determined by reference to the Definitive Map and Statement, the legal record of public rights of way, and the data displayed on the attached plan has been produced by capturing and transposing of the Definitive Map onto a larger scale. The Council can accept no responsibility for any error or inaccuracy which may arise from the transposition of the public rights of way shown on the Definitive Map to a different scale.
The absence of a right of way on the Definitive Map does not mean that a right of way does not exist, nor does it guarantee that a public or private right of some other kind has not arisen over the land.
For further details contact the Public Rights of Way section
*The designation restricted byway was introduced as a new type of highway in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. It is defined as a highway over which the public have restricted byway rights, with or without the right to drive animals of any description. "Restricted byway rights" include a right of way on foot, on horseback or leading a horse and a right of way for vehicles other than mechanically propelled vehicles (this includes a right of way for pedal cycles and horse drawn vehicles).
This data is maintained and extracted from the CAMS system at regular intervals and so this data can be treated as live.