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Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for alcohol-related harm (narrow definition) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated)Performance Indicator : HLTH36b

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KpiId KpiName Value DataType Period StartDate EndDate CollectionFrequency
HLTH36b Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for alcohol-related harm (narrow definition) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated) 55.60 Number Number 2014/2015 2014-04-01 2015-03-31 Annual
HLTH36b Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for alcohol-related harm (narrow definition) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated) 59.20 Number Number 2015/2016 2015-04-01 2016-03-31 Annual
HLTH36b Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for alcohol-related harm (narrow definition) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated) NC Number 2016/2017 2016-04-01 2017-03-31 Annual
HLTH36b Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for alcohol-related harm (narrow definition) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated) 70.70 Number Number 2017/2018 2017-04-01 2018-03-31 Annual