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National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) - COPD Secondary Care Clinical Audit 2017/18COPD secondary care clinical audit 2017-18 - Data description file

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CY Column CZ Column DA Column DB Column DC Column DD Column DE Column DF Column DG Column DH Column DI Column DJ Column DK Column DL Column DM Column DN Column DO Column DP Column DQ Column DR Column DS Column DT Column DU Column DV Column DW Column DX Column DY Column DZ Column EA Column EB Column EC Column ED Column EE Column EF Column EG Column EH Column EI Column EJ Column EK Column EL Column EM Column EN Column EO Column EP Column EQ Column ER Column ES Column ET Column EU Column EV Column EW Column EX Column EY Column EZ Column FA Column FB Column FC Column FD Column FE Column FF Column FG Column FH Column FI Column FJ Column FK Column FL Column FM Column FN Column FO Column FP Column FQ Column FR Column FS Column FT Column FU Column FV Column FW Column FX Column FY Column FZ Column GA Column GB Column GC Column GD Column GE Column GF Column GG Column GH Column GI Column GJ Column GK Column GL Column GM Column GN Column GO Column GP Column GQ Column GR Column GS Column GT Column GU Column GV Column GW Column GX Column GY Column GZ Column HA Column HB Column HC Column HD Column HE Column HF Column HG Column HH Column HI Column HJ Column HK Column HL Column HM Column HN Column HO Column HP Column HQ Column HR Column HS Column HT Column HU Column HV Column HW Column HX Column HY Column HZ Column IA Column IB Column IC Column ID Column IE Column IF Column IG cases_n age_n age_med age_lo.Q age_hi.Q gen_N gen_Mal_n gen_Mal_p gen_Fem_n gen_Fem_p 2017_gen_N IMD.q.eng_N IMD.q.eng_1_n IMD.q.eng_1_p IMD.q.eng_2_n IMD.q.eng_2_p IMD.q.eng_3_n IMD.q.eng_3_p IMD.q.eng_4_n IMD.q.eng_4_p IMD.q.eng_5_n IMD.q.eng_5_p WIMD.q.wal_N WIMD.q.wal_1_n WIMD.q.wal_1_p WIMD.q.wal_2_n WIMD.q.wal_2_p WIMD.q.wal_3_n WIMD.q.wal_3_p WIMD.q.wal_4_n WIMD.q.wal_4_p WIMD.q.wal_5_n WIMD.q.wal_5_p mal_age_n mal_age_med mal_age_lo.q mal_age_hi.q fem_age_n fem_age_med fem_age_lo.q fem_age_hi.q admitwaithours_n admitwaithours_med admitwaithours_lo.q admitwaithours_hi.q Los_n Los_med Los_lo.quart Los_hi.quart died_N died_Yes_n died_Yes_p Aphysrev_N Aphysrev_Yes_n Aphysrev_Yes_p Resprev_N Resprev_Yes_n Resprev_Yes_p Resprev24hrs_N Resprev24hrs_Yes_n Resprev24hrs_Yes_p Resprevhours_n Resprevhours_med Resprevhours_lo.q Resprevhours_hi.q o2req_N o2_req_Pres_n o2_req_Pres_p o2targ_N o2targ_88-92%_n o2targ_88-92%_p o2targ_94-98%_n o2targ_94-98%_p o2targ_Other_n o2targ_Other_p o2targ_not_stipulated_n o2targ_not_stipulated_p nivwithin2hrs_N nivwithin2hrs_No_n nivwithin2hrs_No_perc nivwithin2hrs_Yes_n nivwithin2hrs_Yes_perc nivwithin2hrs_No_time_recorded_n nivwithin2hrs_No_time_recorded_perc nivtime_N nivtime_<2_Hours_n nivtime_<2_Hours_perc nivtime_2-24_Hours_n nivtime_2-24_Hours_perc nivtime_>24_Hours_n nivtime_>24_Hours_perc nivwaithours_n nivwaithours_median nivwaithours_lo.quart nivwaithours_hi.quart q71spir_N q71spir_No_n q71spir_No_perc q71spir_Yes_n q71spir_Yes_perc obstruct_N obstruct_Invalid_ratio(<0.2or>1)_n obstruct_Invalid_ratio(<0.2or>1)_perc obstruct_No(>=0.7)_n obstruct_No(>=0.7)_perc obstruct_Yes(<0.7)_n obstruct_Yes(<0.7)_perc q72fev1_n q72fev1_median q72fev1_lo.quart q72fev1_hi.quart q81smokstatus_N q81smokstatus_Never_smoked_n q81smokstatus_Never_smoked_perc q81smokstatus_Ex-smoker_n q81smokstatus_Ex-smoker_perc q81smokstatus_Current_smoker_n q81smokstatus_Current_smoker_perc q81smokstatus_Not_recorded_n q81smokstatus_Not_recorded_perc q82smokcess_N q82smokcess_No_n q82smokcess_No_perc q82smokcess_Yes_n q82smokcess_Yes_perc q82smokcess_Not_recorded_n q82smokcess_Not_recorded_perc q82smokcess_Offered_but_declined_n q82smokcess_Offered_but_declined_perc q41decafrec_N q41decafrec_No_n q41decafrec_No_perc q41decafrec_Yes_n q41decafrec_Yes_perc q41decafrec_Not_clear_n q41decafrec_Not_clear_perc q42decaf_N q42decaf_0_n q42decaf_0_perc q42decaf_1_n q42decaf_1_perc q42decaf_2_n q42decaf_2_perc q42decaf_3_n q42decaf_3_perc q42decaf_4_n q42decaf_4_perc q42decaf_5_n q42decaf_5_perc q42decaf_6_n q42decaf_6_perc discharge_day_N discharge_day_Monday_n discharge_day_Monday_perc discharge_day_Tuesday_n discharge_day_Tuesday_perc discharge_day_Wednesday_n discharge_day_Wednesday_perc discharge_day_Thursday_n discharge_day_Thursday_perc discharge_day_Friday_n discharge_day_Friday_perc discharge_day_Saturday_n discharge_day_Saturday_perc discharge_day_Sunday_n discharge_day_Sunday_perc q93bts_N q93bts_No_n q93bts_No_perc q93bts_Yes_n q93bts_Yes_perc q93bts_Not_clear_n q93bts_Not_clear_perc q93bts_Patient_self_discharged_n q93bts_Patient_self_discharged_perc q93bts_Patient_died_n q93bts_Patient_died_perc q93bts_Other_n q93bts_Other_perc anyarrangementsapparent_N anyarrangementsapparent_No_n anyarrangementsapparent_No_perc anyarrangementsapparent_Yes_n anyarrangementsapparent_Yes_perc q94assteam_N q94assteam_No_n q94assteam_No_perc q94assteam_Yes_n q94assteam_Yes_perc q94gpfuadvised_N q94gpfuadvised_No_n q94gpfuadvised_No_perc q94gpfuadvised_Yes_n q94gpfuadvised_Yes_perc q94gpfuarranged_N q94gpfuarranged_No_n q94gpfuarranged_No_perc q94gpfuarranged_Yes_n q94gpfuarranged_Yes_perc q94phone_N q94phone_No_n q94phone_No_perc q94phone_Yes_n q94phone_Yes_perc q94commadvised_N q94commadvised_No_n q94commadvised_No_perc q94commadvised_Yes_n q94commadvised_Yes_perc q94commarranged_N q94commarranged_No_n q94commarranged_No_perc q94commarranged_Yes_n q94commarranged_Yes_perc q94hospadvised_N q94hospadvised_No_n q94hospadvised_No_perc q94hospadvised_Yes_n q94hospadvised_Yes_perc q94hosparranged_N q94hosparranged_No_n q94hosparranged_No_perc q94hosparranged_Yes_n q94hosparranged_Yes_perc q94otherhealthcare_N q94otherhealthcare_No_n q94otherhealthcare_No_perc q94otherhealthcare_Yes_n q94otherhealthcare_Yes_perc q94eol_N q94eol_No_n q94eol_No_perc q94eol_Yes_n q94eol_Yes_perc q94other_N q94other_No_n q94other_No_perc q94other_Yes_n q94other_Yes_perc
Hospital name Trust name Number of cases entered Number of records with an age recorded Median age Lower quartile of age Upper quartile of age Number of patients with gender recorded Number of male patients Percentage of male patients Number of female patients Percentage of female patients Number of patients with no gender recorded Denominator for patients in England with an Index of Multiple Deprivation recorded Number of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) Percentage of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) Number of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation Percentage of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation Number of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation Percentage of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation Number of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation Percentage of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation Number of patients in quintile 5 of deprivation (most deprived) Percentage of patients in quintile 5 of deprivation (most deprived) Denominator for patients in Wales with a Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation recorded Number of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) Percentage of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) Number of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation Percentage of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation Number of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation Percentage of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation Number of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation Percentage of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation Number of patients in quintile 5 of deprivation (most deprived) Percentage of patients in quintile 5 of deprivation (most deprived) Number of males with an age recorded Median age of males Lower quartile of age for males Upper quartile of age for males Number of females with an age recorded Median age of females Lower quartile of age for females Upper quartile of age for females Number of patients with an admission and arrival time recorded Median wait (in hours) from arrival to admission Lower quartile of wait time from arrival to admission Upper quartile of wait time from arrival to admission Number of patients with a length of stay recorded Median length of stay Lower quartile of length of stay Upper quartile of length of stay Number of patients alive at discharge Number of patients that died in hospital Percentage of patients that died in hospital Denominator for review by an acute physician of ST3 or above Number of paitents that were reviewed by an acute physician of ST3 or above Percentage of paitents that were reviewed by an acute physician of ST3 or above Denominator for patients receiving respiratory review Number of patients that received a respiratory review Percentage of patients that received a respiratory review Denominator for receiving respiratory review within 24 hours Number of patients that received a respiratory review within 24 hours Percentage of patients that received a respiratory review within 24 hours Number of patients where a time to respiratory review was recorded Median time to respiratory review Lower quartile of time to respiratory review Upper quartile of time to respiratory review Number of patients that required oxygen Number of patients that required oxygen and were prescribed it Percentage of patients that required oxygen and were prescribed it Number of patients that were prescribed oxygen to a target saturation Number of patients that were prescribed oxygen to a target saturation of 88-92% Percentage of patients that were prescribed oxygen to a target saturation of 88-92% Number of patients that were prescribed oxygen to a target saturation of 94-98% Percentage of patients that were prescribed oxygen to a target saturation of 94-98% Number of patients that were prescribed oxygen to a different oxygen saturation Percentage of patients that were prescribed oxygen to a different saturation Number of patients that were prescribed oxygen but did not have a target saturation specified Percentage of patients that were prescribed oxygen but did not have a target saturation specified Total number of patients receiving NIV Number of patients that didn't receive NIV within 2 hours Percentage of patients that didn't receive NIV within 2 hours Number of patients that received NIV within 2 hours Percentage of patients that received NIV within 2 hours Number of patients that received NIV but no time was recorded Percentage of patients that received NIV but no time was recorded Number of patients with a time to NIV recorded Number of patients that received NIV within 2 hours Percentage of patients that received NIV within 2 hours Number of patients that received NIV within 2-24 hours Percentage of patients that received NIV within 2-24 hours Number of patients that received NIV after longer than 24 hours Percentage of patients that received NIV after longer than 24 hours Number of patients with a wait time for NIV recorded Median wait time for NIV Lower quartile for NIV wait time Upper quartile for NIV wait time Total number of patients where the spirometry questions were answered Number of patients without a spirometry result recorded Percentage of patients without a spirometry result recorded Number of patients with a spirometry result recorded Percentage of patients with a spirometry result recorded Denominator for patients with a spirometry result recorded Number of patients with a spirometry result that was invalid Percentage of patients with a spirometry result that was invalid Number of patients with a spirometry result that did not indicate airway obstruction Percentage of patients with a spirometry result that did not indicate airway obstruction Number of patients with a spirometry result that indicated airway obstruction Percentage of patients with a spirometry result that indicated airway obstruction Number of patients with their most recent FEV1 recorded Median most recent FEV1 result Lower quartile of most recent FEV1 Upper quartile of most recent FEV1 Number of patients that were asked about their smoking status Number of patients that never smoked Percentage of patients that never smoked Number of patients that are ex-smokers Percentage of patients that are ex-smokers Number of patients that are current smokers Percentage of patients that are current smokers Number of patients without a smoking status recorded Percentage of patients without a smoking status recorded Number of patients asked about smoking cessation Number of smokers not offered smoking cessation pharmacotherapy Percentage of smokers not offered smoking cessation pharmacotherapy Number of smokers that accepted smoking cessation pharmacotherapy Percentage of smokers that accepted smoking cessation pharmacotherapy Number of patients where smoking cessation pharmacotherapy was not recorded Percentage of patients where smoking cessation pharmacotherapy was not recorded Number of patients that were offered smoking cessation pharmacotherapy but declined Percentage of patients that were offered smoking cessation pharmacotherapy but declined Total number of patients where a DECAF score could have been recorded Number of patients without a DECAF score Percentage of patients without a DECAF score Number of patients with a DECAF score recorded Percentage of patients with a DECAF score recorded Number of patients where it was not clear if a DECAF score was recorded Percentage of patients where it was not clear if a DECAF score was recorded Number of patients with a DECAF score recorded Number of patients with a DECAF score of 0 Percentage of patients with a DECAF score of 0 Number of patients with a DECAF score of 1 Percentage of patients with a DECAF score of 1 Number of patients with a DECAF score of 2 Percentage of patients with a DECAF score of 2 Number of patients with a DECAF score of 3 Percentage of patients with a DECAF score of 3 Number of patients with a DECAF score of 4 Percentage of patients with a DECAF score of 4 Number of patients with a DECAF score of 5 Percentage of patients with a DECAF score of 5 Number of patients with a DECAF score of 6 Percentage of patients with a DECAF score of 6 Number of patients with a discharge day recorded Number of patients discharged on Monday Percentage of patients discharged on Monday Number of patients discharged on Tuesday Percentage of patients discharged on Tuesday Number of patients discharged on Wednesday Percentage of patients discharged on Wednesday Number of patients discharged on Thursday Percentage of patients discharged on Thursday Number of patients discharged on Friday Percentage of patients discharged on Friday Number of patients discharged on Saturday Percentage of patients discharged on Saturday Number of patients discharged on Sunday Percentage of patients discharged on Sunday Denominator for discharge bundle questions Number of patients not provided with a discharge bundle Percentage of patients not provided with a discharge bundle Number of patients provided with a discharge bundle Percentage of patients provided with a discharge bundle Number of patients where it was unclear if a discharge bundle was provided Percentage of patients where it was unclear if a discharge bundle was provided Number of patients that self-discharged so had no bundle Percentage of patients that self-discharged so had no bundle Number of patients that died in hospital and so had no bundle Percentage of patients that died in hospital and so had no bundle Number of patients with 'Other' noted for discharge bundle Percentage of patients with 'Other' noted for discharge bundle Total number of patients discharged alive Number of patients without any follow-up arrangements Percentage of patients without any follow-up arrangements Number of patients with follow-up arrangements Percentage of patients with follow-up arrangements Denominator for assisted discharge team Number of patients not discharged under an assisted discharge team Percentage of patients not discharged under an assisted discharge team Number of patients discharged under an assisted discharge team Percentage of patients discharged under an assisted discharge team Denominator for GP follow up advised Number of patients not advised to follow up with their GP Percentage of patients not advised to follow up with their GP Number of patients advised to follow up with their GP Percentage of patients advised to follow up with their GP Denominator for GP follow up arranged Number of patients where GP follow up was not arranged Percentage of patients where GP follow up was not arranged Number of patients where GP follow up was arranged Percentage of patients where GP follow up was arranged Denominator for phone follow-up scheduled Number of patients without a follow up phone call scheduled Percentage of patients without a follow up phone call scheduled Number of patients with a follow up phone call scheduled Percentage of patients with a follow up phone call scheduled Denominator for community respiratory clinic follow-up advised Number of patients where community respiratory clinic follow up not advised Percentage of patients where community respiratory clinic follow up not advised Number of patients where community respiratory clinic follow up advised Percentage of patients where community respiratory clinic follow up advised Denominator for community respiratory clinic follow-up arranged Number of patients where community follow up not arranged Percentage of patients where community follow up not arranged Number of patients where community follow up arranged Percentage of patients where community follow up arranged Denominator for hospital respiratory clinic follow-up advised Number of patients not advised to follow up with hospital resipratory clinic Percentage of patients not advised to follow up with hospital resipratory clinic Number of patients advised to follow up with hospital resipratory clinic Percentage of patients advised to follow up with hospital resipratory clinic Denominator for hospital respiratory clinic follow-up arranged Number of patients no arrangements with hospital resipratory clinic Percentage of patients no arrangements with hospital resipratory clinic Number of patients arrangements with hospital resipratory clinic Percentage of patients arrangements with hospital resipratory clinic Denominator for number of patients discharged to another healthcare facility Number of patients not discharged to another healthcare facility Percentage of patients not discharged to another healthcare facility Number of patients discharged to another healthcare facility Percentage of patients discharged to another healthcare facility Denominator for referred to end of life care Number of patients not discharged to end-of-life care Percentage of patients not discharged to end-of-life care Number of patients discharged to end-of-life care Percentage of patients discharged to end-of-life care Denominator for patients discharged with other arrangements Number of patients not discharged with other arrangements Percentage of patients not discharged with other arrangements Number of patients discharged with other arrangements Percentage of patients discharged with other arrangements
text text integer integer integer integer integer integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer percentage integer integer percentage integer integer percentage integer integer percentage integer integer integer integer integer integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer integer integer integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer integer integer integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage integer integer percentage integer percentage
text text 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 % 0 %