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Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in the Department for Work and PensionsICT Jul to Sept 17

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Department Organisation Name HMG Ref Number Project name Basis for expenditure approval Total Value Approved (£) Date of approval Approval
DWP Children, Health and Pensions Services HMG4164 CMG Online Revived Improvements to existing online self service capability £550,000 Sep-17 Assure
DWP Digital Workplace and Tech Platforms HMG4164 Skype for Business The transition of Departmental users from Microsoft Lync to Skype for business. £370,000 Sep-17 Assure
DWP Digital Workplace and Tech Platforms HMG4164 Data Hub Canopy Replacement To extend the service for sharing DWP data with local authorities and councils. £4,296,132 Sep-17 Assure