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Spend over £25,000 in the Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture ScienceAugust 2012 return

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Department Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number Amount Description Supplier Postcode Supplier Type Contract Number Project Code Expenditure Type Vat Registration Number
DEFRA Cefas 03/08/12 ICT Maintenance & Support Corporate COMPUTACENTER UK LTD 20035167 £20,551.81 3rd party maintenance software AL10 9TW Large N/A 74200 Admin Not set
DEFRA Cefas 10/08/12 Data Collection Services Monitoring and Programme Management SH90 Ltd 20035300 £102,600.00 Fisheries Science Partnership Survey Y011 1QY SME N/A C3300 Programme Not set
DEFRA Cefas 10/08/12 Lab Services Aquatic Health & Hygiene SAMS Research Services Ltd 20035210 £27,500.00 Sample analysis Services PA37 1QA Large N/A C5666 Programme Not set
DEFRA Cefas 10/08/12 Facilities Management Corporate DTZ DTL Clients A/C Re Defra 20035277 £26,072.87 Recharge of core facilities management April - July 2012 Pinbush Site LS1 2ND Large N/A 50100 Admin Not set