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Department for Transport senior officials business expensesJuly to September 2021

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Senior Officials Name Start date of trip Duration of Visit (Days) Destination Purpose of trip Mode of transport Class of travel Accommodation/Meals (£) Other (including hospitality given) "Total cost, including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc. (£)" Total Cost of Use of Official Secure Car
Alan Over 08/07/2021 2 "Redhill, UK" Attendance at HPDS Cohort 13 Integration Workshop RAIL Standard Nil Return Nil Return £150.00 Not set
Alan Over 14/09/2021 1 "London, UK" Site visit to HS2 Willesden Logistics Hub RAIL Standard Nil Return Nil Return £13.90 Not set
Amanda Rowlatt Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Not set
Benjamin Smith 29/09/2021 1 "Manchester, UK" Transport for the North Board meeting RAIL Standard Nil Return Nil Return £238.90 Not set