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Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries2024-07-31 Organogram (Senior)

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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Office Region Notes Valid?
16 Julie Lennard SCS2 Chief Executive To act as Chief Executive and Accounting Officer for the Agency providing leadership and direction to enable Ministerial outcomes and targets for the delivery of driver and vehicle licensing services to be met. Department for Transport DVLA Chief Executive 01792 782888 xx 577584 1.00 140000 144999 Operational Delivery Profession Wales Salary costs include all SCS except their own, and Post 204 which is reported to 192. 1
196 N/D SCS1 Operations and Customer Service Director Responsible for the creation and accurate maintenance of the driver and vehicle records, focusing on the delivery of high quality customer services with a strong emphasis on increasing the availability of digital channels and delivering value for money. Department for Transport DVLA Operations 01792 782888 16 108825784 1.00 N/A N/A Operational Delivery Profession Wales nan 1
195 N/D SCS1 Finance & Assurance Services Director Responsible for providing financial leadership at a strategic and operational level, ensuring sound and appropriate governance and risk management controls are in place across the organisation. Department for Transport DVLA Finance 01792 782888 16 4390487 1.00 N/A N/A Government Finance Profession Wales nan 1
197 N/D SCS1 Chief Technology Officer Responsible for providing technology leadership at a strategic and operational level ensuring secure and resilient service level performance for internal business systems and external customer facing online services. As well as leading the Agency’s digital transformation programme and long-term strategy for new technology adoption and innovation. Department for Transport DVLA Information Systems 01792 782888 16 33224494 1.00 N/A N/A Government IT Profession Wales nan 1