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Habitat point records from 1987 OPRU HRE Christchurch Harbour survey1987-OPRU-HRE-Christchurch-Harbour-survey.csv
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Download this fileRecordKey | SurveyKey | SurveyName | SampleKey | StartDate | EndDate | DateType | LocationName | DataType | Latitude | Longitude | Projection | HabitatCode | HabitatDescription |
JNCCMNCR10107325 | JNCCMNCR10000248 | 1987 OPRU HRE Christchurch Harbour survey | JNCCMNCR10003561 | 1987-06-16 | 1987-06-16 | D | Mudeford Quay, The Run (Christchurch Harbour) | Point | 50.7245342249417 | -1.74068390491901 | WGS84 | CR.MCR.SfR.Pol | Polydora sp. tubes on moderately exposed sublittoral soft rock |
JNCCMNCR10189494 | JNCCMNCR10000248 | 1987 OPRU HRE Christchurch Harbour survey | JNCCMNCR10010986 | 1987-06-15 | 1987-06-15 | D | The Run (Christchurch Harbour) | Point | 50.7237248905653 | -1.74068835729447 | WGS84 | IGS.Lcon | Dense Lanice conchilega and other polychaetes in tide-swept infralittoral sand |
JNCCMNCR10199844 | JNCCMNCR10000248 | 1987 OPRU HRE Christchurch Harbour survey | JNCCMNCR10003559 | 1987-06-14 | 1987-06-14 | D | E side of spit at entrance to Christchurch Harbour (Christchurch Harbour) | Point | 50.7247957835029 | -1.73699898025011 | WGS84 | LGS.AP.P | Burrowing amphipods and polychaetes (often Arenicola marina) in clean sand shores |
JNCCMNCR10169772 | JNCCMNCR10000248 | 1987 OPRU HRE Christchurch Harbour survey | JNCCMNCR10003536 | 1987-06-15 | 1987-06-15 | D | Clay Pool (Christchurch Harbour) | Point | 50.7297258575059 | -1.7722514161908 | WGS84 | LGS.Ol | Oligochaetes in reduced or low salinity gravel or coarse sand shores |