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Local authority land and assets from Cheltenham Borough CouncilLocal authority land and assets 2021

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Organisation OrganisationLabel Organisation OrganisationLabel UPRN AssetCode PropertyName StreetName PostTown PostCode GeoX GeoY TenureType TenureDetail HoldingType
Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB 100121228178 09/00025/Land and Building 1 Berkeley Mews High Street Cheltenham GL50 1DY 395265 222126 Freehold Leasehold Land and Building
Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB 100121228137 09/00036/Land and Building 12 Berkeley Mews High Street Cheltenham GL50 1DY 395265 222126 Freehold Licence Land and Building
Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB 100121228234 09/00037/Land and Building 13 Berkeley Mews High Street Cheltenham GL50 1DY 395265 222126 Freehold Vacant Land and Building
Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB 200002687579 09/00038/Land and Building 14 Berkeley Mews High Street Cheltenham GL50 1DY 395265 222126 Freehold Leasehold Land and Building