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Spend over £25,000 in Office of Rail and RoadExpenditure in May 2024

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Department family Entity Date of payment Expense Code Expense type Cost Centre Expense area Supplier Transaction Number Amount in Sterling Description Supplier Postcode Expenditure Type Supplier Type Contract Number Project code Allocation Date Account code Address code
Office of Rail and Road Office of Rail and Road 21/05/2024 C5402 Consultancy - Advisory 1201 Highways Asset Management Consulting Ltd PRIV00001535 68389 Consultancy services EC1V 4LY ADMINISTRATION Not set Not set Not set 21/05/2024 10680 10680 Asset Management Consulting Ltd 221 St. John Street,Clerkenwell,LONDON EC1V 4LY
Office of Rail and Road Office of Rail and Road 08/05/2024 C5402 Consultancy - Advisory 1201 Highways CEPA LLP 674 139637.5 RIS3 Efficiency Review support package WC2A 3LJ ADMINISTRATION Not set Not set Not set 08/05/2024 10100 TCEP01 CEPA Queens House, 55-56 Lincoln’s Inn Fields WC2A 3LJ
Office of Rail and Road Office of Rail and Road 02/05/2024 C5402 Consultancy - Advisory 1201 Highways Europe Economics 3620 24155 Extension of Efficiency Review analytical support to include provision of advice on National Highways' RIS3 inflation assumptions. WC2A 1QU ADMINISTRATION Not set Not set Not set 02/05/2024 10200 10200 Europe Economics 5 Chancery Lane WC2A 1QU
Office of Rail and Road Office of Rail and Road 21/05/2024 C5402 Consultancy - Advisory 1201 Highways Europe Economics 3623 29328.75 Extension of Efficiency Review analytical support to include provision of advice on National Highways' RIS3 inflation assumptions. WC2A 1QU ADMINISTRATION Not set Not set Not set 21/05/2024 10200 10200 Europe Economics 5 Chancery Lane WC2A 1QU