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Organogram of Staff Roles & SalariesOrganogram - Senior CSV data

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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
CON01 N/D SCS1 Director of Conservation The Conservation Directorate comprises of the following departments: Framing, Conservation and Collections Management. Collections Management comprises of Art Handling, Registrars and Photographic. Department for Culture, Media and Sport The National Gallery Conservation 020 77472885 DIR01 738804 1 55000 59999 Operational Delivery
CUR05 N/D SCS1 Director of Collections (and Deputy Director) The Collections Directorate incorporates the Curatorial, Design and Exhibitions departments. Department for Culture, Media and Sport The National Gallery Collections 020 77472885 DIR01 1212473 1 70000 74999 Operational Delivery
DEV01 N/D SCS1 Director of Public Affairs and Development The Public Affairs and Development Directorate comprises of Indvidual and Trust Giving, Corporate Giving, Events, Press and Marketing Departments Department for Culture, Media and Sport The National Gallery Public Affairs and Development 020 77472885 DIR01 980037 1 65000 69999 Operational Delivery
DIR01 Nicholas Penny SCS3 Director The Director of the National Gallery Department for Culture, Media and Sport The National Gallery Director's Office 020 77472885 XX 489944 1 140000 144999 Operational Delivery