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Spend over £25,000 in the Department for EducationTransparency DFE Spend over £25,000 October 2019

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Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number Amount Description
Department for Education DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION 03/10/2019 Marketing, Media and Comms COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORATE KINDRED AGENCY LTD 1041096189 37579.25 Digital media and web production
Department for Education DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION 02/10/2019 Other costs SOCIAL CARE MOBILITY AND DISADVANTAGE OFFICE OF THE CHILDRENS COMMISSIONER 30000636 83000 Current grants paid to organisations including arms length bodies and educational establishments
Department for Education DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION 03/10/2019 Other Goods & Services CHILDRENS SOCIAL CARE MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY 1041096134 32089.58 Research and Development
Department for Education DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION 07/10/2019 Other Goods & Services CHILDRENS SOCIAL CARE MUTUAL VENTURES LTD 1041096476 52861.4 Fees / expenses of professionals such as auditors, accountants, lawyers, etc. engaged to provide advice or opinion on how to affect something