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National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) - Pulmonary rehabilitation clinical audit interim report 2019National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) - Pulmonary rehabilitation clinical audit: Interim report data description file
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Column IR | Column IS | Column IT | Column IU | Column IV | Column IW | Column IX | Column IY | Column IZ | Column JA | Column JB | Column JC | Column JD | Column JE | Column JF | Column JJ | Column JJ | Column JJ | Column JJ | Column JK | Column JL | Column JM | Column JN | Column JO | Column JP | Column JQ | Column JR | Column JS | Column JT | Column JU | Column JV | Column JW | Column JX | Column JY | Column JZ | Column KA | Column KB | Column KC | Column KD | Column KE | Column KF | Column KK | Column KK | Column KK | Column KK | Column KK | Column KL | Column KM | Column KN | Column KO | Column KP | Column KQ | Column KR | Column KS | Column KT | Column KU | Column KV | Column KW | Column KX | Column KY | Column KZ | Column LA | Column LB | Column LC | Column LD | Column LE | Column LF | Column LL | Column LL | Column LL | Column LL | Column LL | Column LL | Column LM | Column LN | Column LO | Column LP | Column LQ | Column LR | Column LS | Column LT | Column LU | Column LV | Column LW | Column LX | Column LY | Column LZ | Column MA | Column MB | Column MC | Column MD | Column ME | Column MF | Column ML | Column ML | Column ML | Column ML | Column ML | Column ML | Column MM | Column MN | Column MO | Column MP | Column MQ | Column MR | Column MS | Column MT | Column MU | Column MV | Column MW | Column MX | Column MY | Column MZ | Column NA | Column NB | Column NC | Column ND | Column NE | Column NF | Column NL | Column NL | Column NL | Column NL | Column NL | Column NL | Column NM | Column NN | Column NO | Column NP | Column NQ | Column NR | Column NS | Column NT | Column NU | Column NV | Column NW | Column NX | Column NY | Column NZ | Column OA | Column OB | Column OC | Column OD | Column OE | Column OF | Column OL | Column OL | Column OL | Column OL | Column OL | Column OL | Column OM | Column ON | Column OO | Column OP | Column OQ | Column OR | Column OS | Column OT | Column OU | Column OV | Column OW | Column OX | Column OY | Column OZ | Column PA | Column PB | Column PC | Column PD | Column PE | Column PF | Column PL | Column PL | Column PL | Column PL | Column PL | Column PL | Column PM | Column PN | Column PO | Column PP | Column PQ | Column PR | Column PS | Column PT | Column PU | Column PV | Column PW | Column PX | Column PY | Column PZ | Column QA | Column QB | Column QC | Column QD | Column QE | Column QF | Column QL | Column QL | Column QL | Column QL | Column QL | Column QL | Column QM | Column QN | Column QO | Column QP | Column QQ | Column QR | Column QS | Column QT | Column QU | Column QV | Column QW | Column QX | Column QY | Column QZ | Column RA | Column RB | Column RC | Column RD | Column RE | Column RF | Column RL | Column RL | Column RL | Column RL | Column RL | Column RL | Column RM | Column RN | Column RO | Column RP | Column RQ | Column RR | Column RS | Column RT | Column RU | Column RV | Column RW | Column RX | Column RY | Column RZ | Column SA | Column SB | Column SC | Column SD | Column SE | Column SF | Column SL | Column SL | Column SL | Column SL | Column SL | Column SL | Column SM | Column SN | Column SO | Column SP | Column SQ | Column SR | Column SS | Column ST | Column SU | Column SV | Column SW | Column SX | Column SY | Column SZ | Column TA | Column TB | Column TC | Column TD | Column TE | Column TF | Column TL | Column TL | Column TL | Column TL | Column TL | Column TL | Column TM | Column TN | Column TO | Column TT | Column TT | Column TT | Column TS | Column TT | Column TU | Column TV | Column TW | Column TX | Column TY | Column TZ | Column UA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
trust_name | org_name | Country | patient_N | age_N | age_median | age_lo.quart | age_hi.quart | gender_N | gender_Male_n | gender_Male_perc | gender_Female_n | gender_Female_perc | gender_Not_recorded/Preferred_not_to_say_n | gender_Not_recorded/Preferred_not_to_say_perc | gender_Other_n | gender_Other_perc | gender_Transgender_n | gender_Transgender_perc | IMD_quintile_Eng_N | IMD_quintile_Eng_1_n | IMD_quintile_Eng_1_perc | IMD_quintile_Eng_2_n | IMD_quintile_Eng_2_perc | IMD_quintile_Eng_3_n | IMD_quintile_Eng_3_perc | IMD_quintile_Eng_4_n | IMD_quintile_Eng_4_perc | IMD_quintile_Eng_5_n | IMD_quintile_Eng_5_perc | IMD_quintile_Wal_N | IMD_quintile_Wal_1_n | IMD_quintile_Wal_1_perc | IMD_quintile_Wal_2_n | IMD_quintile_Wal_2_perc | IMD_quintile_Wal_3_n | IMD_quintile_Wal_3_perc | IMD_quintile_Wal_4_n | IMD_quintile_Wal_4_perc | IMD_quintile_Wal_5_n | IMD_quintile_Wal_5_perc | IMD_quintile_Scot_N | IMD_quintile_Scot_1_n | IMD_quintile_Scot_1_perc | IMD_quintile_Scot_2_n | IMD_quintile_Scot_2_perc | IMD_quintile_Scot_3_n | IMD_quintile_Scot_3_perc | IMD_quintile_Scot_4_n | IMD_quintile_Scot_4_perc | IMD_quintile_Scot_5_n | IMD_quintile_Scot_5_perc | anyIMD_N | anyIMD_IMD_present_n | anyIMD_IMD_present_perc | anyIMD_No_IMD_n | anyIMD_No_IMD_perc | ref_location_N | ref_location_Primary/Community_-_post_treatment_for_AECOPD_n | ref_location_Primary/Community_-_post_treatment_for_AECOPD_perc | ref_location_Primary/Community_-_stable_COPD_n | ref_location_Primary/Community_-_stable_COPD_perc | ref_location_Secondary_Care_-_post_admission_for_AECOPD_n | ref_location_Secondary_Care_-_post_admission_for_AECOPD_perc | ref_location_Secondary_Care_-_stable_COPD_n | ref_location_Secondary_Care_-_stable_COPD_perc | ref_location_Self-referral_n | ref_location_Self-referral_perc | ref_to_start_days_stable_COPD_N | ref_to_start_days_stable_COPD_median | ref_to_start_days_stable_COPD_lo.quart | ref_to_start_days_stable_COPD_hi.quart | ninety_day_referral_to_start_for_stable_COPD_N | ninety_day_referral_to_start_for_stable_COPD_<90_days_n | ninety_day_referral_to_start_for_stable_COPD_<90_days_perc | ninety_day_referral_to_start_for_stable_COPD_>=90_days_n | ninety_day_referral_to_start_for_stable_COPD_>=90_days_perc | thirty_day_referral_to_start_for_AECOPD_N | thirty_day_referral_to_start_for_AECOPD_<30_days_n | thirty_day_referral_to_start_for_AECOPD_<30_days_perc | thirty_day_referral_to_start_for_AECOPD_>=30_days_n | thirty_day_referral_to_start_for_AECOPD_>=30_days_perc | ref_to_start_days_cohort_N | ref_to_start_days_cohort_median | ref_to_start_days_cohort_lo.quart | ref_to_start_days_cohort_hi.quart | ref_to_start_days_rolling_N | ref_to_start_days_rolling_median | ref_to_start_days_rolling_lo.quart | ref_to_start_days_rolling_hi.quart | assess_to_start_days_stable_COPD_N | assess_to_start_days_stable_COPD_median | assess_to_start_days_stable_COPD_lo.quart | assess_to_start_days_stable_COPD_hi.quart | smoke_status_N | smoke_status_Current_smoker_n | smoke_status_Current_smoker_perc | smoke_status_Ex-smoker_n | smoke_status_Ex-smoker_perc | smoke_status_Ex-smoker_and_current_vaper_n | smoke_status_Ex-smoker_and_current_vaper_perc | smoke_status_Never_smoked_n | smoke_status_Never_smoked_perc | smoke_status_Never_smoked_and_current_vaper_n | smoke_status_Never_smoked_and_current_vaper_perc | smoke_status_Not_recorded_n | smoke_status_Not_recorded_perc | FEV1_percpred_rec_N | FEV1_percpred_rec_Not_recorded_n | FEV1_percpred_rec_Not_recorded_perc | FEV1_percpred_rec_Recorded_n | FEV1_percpred_rec_Recorded_perc | FEV1_percpred_N | FEV1_percpred_median | FEV1_percpred_lo.quart | FEV1_percpred_hi.quart | FEV1FVC_rec_N | FEV1FVC_rec_Not_recorded_n | FEV1FVC_rec_Not_recorded_perc | FEV1FVC_rec_Recorded_n | FEV1FVC_rec_Recorded_perc | FEV1FVC_N | FEV1FVC_median | FEV1FVC_lo.quart | FEV1FVC_hi.quart | BMI_rec_N | BMI_rec_Not_recorded_n | BMI_rec_Not_recorded_perc | BMI_rec_Recorded_n | BMI_rec_Recorded_perc | BMI_N | BMI_median | BMI_lo.quart | BMI_hi.quart | MRC_score_init_N | MRC_score_init_Grade_1_n | MRC_score_init_Grade_1_perc | MRC_score_init_Grade_2_n | MRC_score_init_Grade_2_perc | MRC_score_init_Grade_3_n | MRC_score_init_Grade_3_perc | MRC_score_init_Grade_4_n | MRC_score_init_Grade_4_perc | MRC_score_init_Grade_5_n | MRC_score_init_Grade_5_perc | MRC_score_init_Not_recorded_n | MRC_score_init_Not_recorded_perc | CVD_history_N | CVD_history_No_n | CVD_history_No_perc | CVD_history_Yes_n | CVD_history_Yes_perc | musc_skel_history_N | musc_skel_history_No_n | musc_skel_history_No_perc | musc_skel_history_Yes_n | musc_skel_history_Yes_perc | mental_history_N | mental_history_No_n | mental_history_No_perc | mental_history_Yes_n | mental_history_Yes_perc | anxiety_bin_N | anxiety_bin_No_n | anxiety_bin_No_perc | anxiety_bin_Yes_n | anxiety_bin_Yes_perc | depression_bin_N | depression_bin_No_n | depression_bin_No_perc | depression_bin_Yes_n | depression_bin_Yes_perc | SMI_bin_N | SMI_bin_No_n | SMI_bin_No_perc | SMI_bin_Yes_n | SMI_bin_Yes_perc | all_3_test_types_init_N | all_3_test_types_init_6MWT_only_n | all_3_test_types_init_6MWT_only_perc | all_3_test_types_init_6MWT_or_ISWT,_and_ESWT_n | all_3_test_types_init_6MWT_or_ISWT,_and_ESWT_perc | all_3_test_types_init_ISWT_only_n | all_3_test_types_init_ISWT_only_perc | all_3_test_types_init_None_n | all_3_test_types_init_None_perc | test_value_ISWT_init_N | test_value_ISWT_init_median | test_value_ISWT_init_lo.quart | test_value_ISWT_init_hi.quart | prac_test_ISWT_init_N | prac_test_ISWT_init_No_n | prac_test_ISWT_init_No_perc | prac_test_ISWT_init_Yes_n | prac_test_ISWT_init_Yes_perc | test_value_6MWT_init_N | test_value_6MWT_init_median | test_value_6MWT_init_lo.quart | test_value_6MWT_init_hi.quart | prac_test_6MWT_init_N | prac_test_6MWT_init_No_n | prac_test_6MWT_init_No_perc | prac_test_6MWT_init_Yes_n | prac_test_6MWT_init_Yes_perc | ESWT_value_init_N | ESWT_value_init_median | ESWT_value_init_lo.quart | ESWT_value_init_hi.quart | CAT_init_N | CAT_init_No_n | CAT_init_No_perc | CAT_init_Yes_n | CAT_init_Yes_perc | CRQ_init_N | CRQ_init_No_n | CRQ_init_No_perc | CRQ_init_Yes_n | CRQ_init_Yes_perc | CAT_score_init_N | CAT_score_init_median | CAT_score_init_lo.quart | CAT_score_init_hi.quart | CRQ_dyspnoea_init_N | CRQ_dyspnoea_init_median | CRQ_dyspnoea_init_lo.quart | CRQ_dyspnoea_init_hi.quart | CRQ_fatigue_init_N | CRQ_fatigue_init_median | CRQ_fatigue_init_lo.quart | CRQ_fatigue_init_hi.quart | CRQ_emotion_init_N | CRQ_emotion_init_median | CRQ_emotion_init_lo.quart | CRQ_emotion_init_hi.quart | CRQ_mastery_init_N | CRQ_mastery_init_median | CRQ_mastery_init_lo.quart | CRQ_mastery_init_hi.quart | enrolled_N | enrolled_No_-_Clinically_unsuitable_n | enrolled_No_-_Clinically_unsuitable_perc | enrolled_No_-_Patient_choice_n | enrolled_No_-_Patient_choice_perc | enrolled_Yes_n | enrolled_Yes_perc | PR_location_N | PR_location_Both_n | PR_location_Both_perc | PR_location_Centre-based_n | PR_location_Centre-based_perc | PR_location_Home-based_n | PR_location_Home-based_perc | prog_type_N | prog_type_Cohort_n | prog_type_Cohort_perc | prog_type_Rolling_n | prog_type_Rolling_perc | scheduled_sess_centre_no_N | scheduled_sess_centre_no_median | scheduled_sess_centre_no_lo.quart | scheduled_sess_centre_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_centre_group_bin_N | rec_sess_centre_group_bin_No_n | rec_sess_centre_group_bin_No_perc | rec_sess_centre_group_bin_Yes_n | rec_sess_centre_group_bin_Yes_perc | rec_sess_centre_indiv_bin_N | rec_sess_centre_indiv_bin_No_n | rec_sess_centre_indiv_bin_No_perc | rec_sess_centre_indiv_bin_Yes_n | rec_sess_centre_indiv_bin_Yes_perc | rec_sess_centre_group_no_N | rec_sess_centre_group_no_median | rec_sess_centre_group_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_centre_group_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_centre_indiv_no_N | rec_sess_centre_indiv_no_median | rec_sess_centre_indiv_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_centre_indiv_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_centre_no_N | rec_sess_centre_no_median | rec_sess_centre_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_centre_no_hi.quart | scheduled_sess_home_no_N | scheduled_sess_home_no_median | scheduled_sess_home_no_lo.quart | scheduled_sess_home_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_home_in_person_bin_N | rec_sess_home_in_person_bin_No_n | rec_sess_home_in_person_bin_No_perc | rec_sess_home_in_person_bin_Yes_n | rec_sess_home_in_person_bin_Yes_perc | rec_sess_home_video_group_bin_N | rec_sess_home_video_group_bin_No_n | rec_sess_home_video_group_bin_No_perc | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_bin_N | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_bin_No_n | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_bin_No_perc | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_bin_Yes_n | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_bin_Yes_perc | rec_sess_home_phone_bin_N | rec_sess_home_phone_bin_No_n | rec_sess_home_phone_bin_No_perc | rec_sess_home_phone_bin_Yes_n | rec_sess_home_phone_bin_Yes_perc | rec_sess_home_other_bin_N | rec_sess_home_other_bin_No_n | rec_sess_home_other_bin_No_perc | rec_sess_home_other_bin_Yes_n | rec_sess_home_other_bin_Yes_perc | rec_sess_home_no_N | rec_sess_home_no_median | rec_sess_home_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_home_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_home_in_person_no_N | rec_sess_home_in_person_no_median | rec_sess_home_in_person_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_home_in_person_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_home_video_group_no_N | rec_sess_home_video_group_no_median | rec_sess_home_video_group_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_home_video_group_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_no_N | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_no_median | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_home_video_indiv_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_home_phone_no_N | rec_sess_home_phone_no_median | rec_sess_home_phone_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_home_phone_no_hi.quart | rec_sess_home_other_no_N | rec_sess_home_other_no_median | rec_sess_home_other_no_lo.quart | rec_sess_home_other_no_hi.quart | discharge_assess_bin_N | discharge_assess_bin_No_n | discharge_assess_bin_No_perc | discharge_assess_bin_Yes_n | discharge_assess_bin_Yes_perc | completion_ratio | discharge_assess_no_reason_N | discharge_assess_no_reason_No_-_DNA_n | discharge_assess_no_reason_No_-_DNA_perc | discharge_assess_no_reason_No_-_drop-out_-_health_reasons_n | discharge_assess_no_reason_No_-_drop-out_-_health_reasons_perc | discharge_assess_no_reason_No_-_drop-out_-_patient_choice_n | discharge_assess_no_reason_No_-_drop-out_-_patient_choice_perc | PR_type_location_N | PR_type_location_Both_n | PR_type_location_Both_perc | PR_type_location_Cohort_n | PR_type_location_Cohort_perc | PR_type_location_Home-based_n | PR_type_location_Home-based_perc | PR_type_location_Rolling_n | PR_type_location_Rolling_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_rolling_N | discharge_assess_bin_by_rolling_No_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_rolling_No_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_rolling_Yes_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_rolling_Yes_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_cohort_N | discharge_assess_bin_by_cohort_No_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_cohort_No_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_cohort_Yes_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_cohort_Yes_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_home_N | discharge_assess_bin_by_home_No_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_home_No_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_home_Yes_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_home_Yes_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_both_N | discharge_assess_bin_by_both_No_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_both_No_perc | discharge_assess_bin_by_both_Yes_n | discharge_assess_bin_by_both_Yes_perc | exercise_plan_N | exercise_plan_No_n | exercise_plan_No_perc | exercise_plan_Yes_n | exercise_plan_Yes_perc | exercise_plan_by_rolling_N | exercise_plan_by_rolling_No_n | exercise_plan_by_rolling_No_perc | exercise_plan_by_rolling_Yes_n | exercise_plan_by_rolling_Yes_perc | exercise_plan_by_cohort_N | exercise_plan_by_cohort_No_n | exercise_plan_by_cohort_No_perc | exercise_plan_by_cohort_Yes_n | exercise_plan_by_cohort_Yes_perc | exercise_plan_by_home_N | exercise_plan_by_home_No_n | exercise_plan_by_home_No_perc | exercise_plan_by_home_Yes_n | exercise_plan_by_home_Yes_perc | exercise_plan_by_both_N | exercise_plan_by_both_No_n | exercise_plan_by_both_No_perc | exercise_plan_by_both_Yes_n | exercise_plan_by_both_Yes_perc | assess_to_discharge_days_N | assess_to_discharge_days_median | assess_to_discharge_days_lo.quart | assess_to_discharge_days_hi.quart | MRC_score_dis_N | MRC_score_dis_Grade_1_n | MRC_score_dis_Grade_1_perc | MRC_score_dis_Grade_2_n | MRC_score_dis_Grade_2_perc | MRC_score_dis_Grade_3_n | MRC_score_dis_Grade_3_perc | MRC_score_dis_Grade_4_n | MRC_score_dis_Grade_4_perc | MRC_score_dis_Grade_5_n | MRC_score_dis_Grade_5_perc | MRC_score_dis_Not_recorded_n | MRC_score_dis_Not_recorded_perc | MRC_change_factor_N | MRC_change_factor_Improved_n | MRC_change_factor_Improved_perc | MRC_change_factor_Same_n | MRC_change_factor_Same_perc | MRC_change_factor_Worse_n | MRC_change_factor_Worse_perc | MRC_init_1_dis_1_N | MRC_init_1_dis_2_N | MRC_init_1_dis_3_N | MRC_init_1_dis_4_N | MRC_init_1_dis_5_N | MRC_init_1_dis_NR_N | MRC_init_2_dis_1_N | MRC_init_2_dis_2_N | MRC_init_2_dis_3_N | MRC_init_2_dis_4_N | MRC_init_2_dis_5_N | MRC_init_2_dis_NR_N | MRC_init_3_dis_1_N | MRC_init_3_dis_2_N | MRC_init_3_dis_3_N | MRC_init_3_dis_4_N | MRC_init_3_dis_5_N | MRC_init_3_dis_NR_N | MRC_init_4_dis_1_N | MRC_init_4_dis_2_N | MRC_init_4_dis_3_N | MRC_init_4_dis_4_N | MRC_init_4_dis_5_N | MRC_init_4_dis_NR_N | MRC_init_5_dis_1_N | MRC_init_5_dis_2_N | MRC_init_5_dis_3_N | MRC_init_5_dis_4_N | MRC_init_5_dis_5_N | MRC_init_5_dis_NR_N | MRC_init_NR_dis_1_N | MRC_init_NR_dis_2_N | MRC_init_NR_dis_3_N | MRC_init_NR_dis_4_N | MRC_init_NR_dis_5_N | MRC_init_NR_dis_NR_N | all_3_test_types_dis_N | all_3_test_types_dis_6MWT_only_n | all_3_test_types_dis_6MWT_only_perc | all_3_test_types_dis_6MWT_or_ISWT,_and_ESWT_n | all_3_test_types_dis_6MWT_or_ISWT,_and_ESWT_perc | all_3_test_types_dis_ISWT_only_n | all_3_test_types_dis_ISWT_only_perc | all_3_test_types_dis_None_n | all_3_test_types_dis_None_perc | test_value_ISWT_diff_N | test_value_ISWT_diff_median | test_value_ISWT_diff_lo.quart | test_value_ISWT_diff_hi.quart | test_value_6MWT_diff_N | test_value_6MWT_diff_median | test_value_6MWT_diff_lo.quart | test_value_6MWT_diff_hi.quart | test_value_ESWT_diff_N | test_value_ESWT_diff_median | test_value_ESWT_diff_lo.quart | test_value_ESWT_diff_hi.quart | MCID_ISWT_N | MCID_ISWT_MCID_met_n | MCID_ISWT_MCID_met_perc | MCID_ISWT_MCID_not_met_n | MCID_ISWT_MCID_not_met_perc | MCID_6MWT_N | MCID_6MWT_MCID_met_n | MCID_6MWT_MCID_met_perc | MCID_6MWT_MCID_not_met_n | MCID_6MWT_MCID_not_met_perc | CAT_dis_N | CAT_dis_No_n | CAT_dis_No_perc | CAT_dis_Yes_n | CAT_dis_Yes_perc | CRQ_dis_N | CRQ_dis_No_n | CRQ_dis_No_perc | CRQ_dis_Yes_n | CRQ_dis_Yes_perc | CAT_score_diff_N | CAT_score_diff_median | CAT_score_diff_lo.quart | CAT_score_diff_hi.quart | CRQ_dyspnoea_diff_N | CRQ_dyspnoea_diff_median | CRQ_dyspnoea_diff_lo.quart | CRQ_dyspnoea_diff_hi.quart | CRQ_fatigue_diff_N | CRQ_fatigue_diff_median | CRQ_fatigue_diff_lo.quart | CRQ_fatigue_diff_hi.quart | CRQ_emotion_diff_N | CRQ_emotion_diff_median | CRQ_emotion_diff_lo.quart | CRQ_emotion_diff_hi.quart | CRQ_mastery_diff_N | CRQ_mastery_diff_median | CRQ_mastery_diff_lo.quart | CRQ_mastery_diff_hi.quart | MCID_CAT_N | MCID_CAT_MCID_met_n | MCID_CAT_MCID_met_perc | MCID_CAT_MCID_not_met_n | MCID_CAT_MCID_not_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_dyspnoea_N | MCID_CRQ_dyspnoea_MCID_met_n | MCID_CRQ_dyspnoea_MCID_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_dyspnoea_MCID_not_met_n | MCID_CRQ_dyspnoea_MCID_not_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_fatigue_N | MCID_CRQ_fatigue_MCID_met_n | MCID_CRQ_fatigue_MCID_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_fatigue_MCID_not_met_n | MCID_CRQ_fatigue_MCID_not_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_emotion_N | MCID_CRQ_emotion_MCID_met_n | MCID_CRQ_emotion_MCID_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_emotion_MCID_not_met_n | MCID_CRQ_emotion_MCID_not_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_mastery_N | MCID_CRQ_mastery_MCID_met_n | MCID_CRQ_mastery_MCID_met_perc | MCID_CRQ_mastery_MCID_not_met_n | MCID_CRQ_mastery_MCID_not_met_perc | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Trust name | Organisation name | Country | Number of patient records | Total number of patients with age recorded | Median age (calculated based on all cases audited) | Lower quartile of age (calculated based on all cases audited) | Upper quartile of age (calculated based on all cases audited) | Total number of patients with gender recorded | Total number of male patients | Percentage of male patients | Total number of female patients | Percentage of female patients | Total number of patients with gender not recorded | Percentage of patients with gender not recorded | Total number of patients with gender "other" | Percentage of patients with gender "other" | Total number of transgender patients | Percentage of transgender patients | Total number of patients in England with an IMD recorded (denominator) | Total number of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation(denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation(denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation(denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 5 (most deprived) of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 5 (most deprived) of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an English postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in Wales with an IMD recorded (denominator) | Total number of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation(denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 5 (most deprived) of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 5 (most deprived) of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Welsh postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in Scotland with an IMD recorded (denominator) | Total number of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 1 of deprivation (least deprived) (denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 2 of deprivation(denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 3 of deprivation(denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 4 of deprivation(denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patients in quintile 5 (most deprived) of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Percentage of patients in quintile 5 (most deprived) of deprivation (denominator: all cases with an Scottish postcode that could be associated with an IMD) | Total number of patient records entered for IMD (denominator) | Total number of patients with a recorded IMD | Percentage of patients with a recorded IMD | Total number of patients with no recorded IMD | Percentage of patients with no recorded IMD | Total number of patients referred to PR (denominator) | Total number of patients referred to PR from Primary/Community services post treatment for AECOPD | Percentage of patients referred to PR from Primary/Community services post treatment for AECOPD | Total number of patients referred to PR from Primary/Community services with stable COPD | Percentage of patients referred to PR from Primary/Community services with stable COPD | Total number of patients referred to PR from Secondary care services post treatment for AECOPD | Percentage of patients referred to PR from Secondary care services post treatment for AECOPD | Total number of patients referred to PR from Secondary care services with stable COPD | Percentage of patients referred to PR from Secondary care services with stable COPD | Total number of patients self-referred to PR | Percentage of patients self-referred to PR | Total number of patients with stable COPD who started a PR programme (denominator) | Median number of days between referral and start of PR for patients with stable COPD | Lower quartile of days between referral and start of PR for patients with stable COPD | Upper quartile of days between referral and start of PR for patients with stable COPD | Total number of patients with stable COPD who started a PR programme | Total number of patients with stable COPD who started PR within 90 days of referral | Percentage of patients with stable COPD who started PR within 90 days of referral | Total number of patients with stable COPD who did not start PR within 90 days of referral | Percentage of patients with stable COPD who did not start PR within 90 days of referral | Total number of patients referred after AECOPD who started a PR programme | Total number of patients who started PR within 30 days of referral following AECOPD | Percentage of patients who started PR within 30 days of referral following AECOPD | Total number of patients who did not start PR within 30 days of referral following AECOPD | Percentage of patients who did not start PR within 30 days of referral following AECOPD | Total number of patients in a cohort PR programme (denominator) | Median number of days between referral and start of PR for patients in a cohort PR programme | Lower quartile of number of days between referral and start of PR for patients in a cohort PR programme | Upper quartile of number of days between referral and start of PR for patients in a cohort PR programme | Total number of patients in a rolling PR programme (denominator) | Median number of days between referral and start of PR for patients in a rolling PR programme | Lower quartile of number of days between referral and start of PR for patients in a rolling PR programme | Upper quartile of number of days between referral and start of PR for patients in a rolling PR programme | Total number of patients with stable COPD who started a PR programme after assessment (denominator) | Median number of days between assessment and start of PR for patients with stable COPD | Lower quartile of days between assessment and start of PR for patients with stable COPD | Upper quartile of days between assessment and start of PR for patients with stable COPD | Total number of patients with a smoking status recorded (denominator) | Total number of patients who are current smokers | Percentage of patients who are current smokers | Total number of patients who are ex-smokers | Percentage of patients who are ex-smokers | Total number of patients who are ex-smokers and current vapers | Percentage of patients who are ex-smokers and current vapers | Total number of patients who have never smoked | Percentage of patients who have never smoked | Total number of patients who have never smoked and are current vapers | Percentage of patients who have never smoked and are current vapers | Total number of patients with no smoking status recorded | Percentage of patients with no smoking status recorded | Total number of patients records entered for FEV1% (denominator) | Total number of patients with no recorded FEV1% predicted | Percentage of patients with no recorded FEV1% predicted | Total number of patients with recorded FEV1% predicted | Percentage of patients with recorded FEV1% predicted | Total number of patients with recorded FEV1% predicted (denominator) | Median FEV1% recorded | Lower quartile FEV1% recorded | Upper quartile FEV1% recorded | Total number of patients records entered for where FEV1FVC was recorded denominator | Total number of patients with no recorded FEV1FVC score | Percentage of patients with no recorded FEV1FVC score | Total number of patients with recorded FEV1FVC score | Percentage of patients with recorded FEV1FVC score | Total number of patients with recorded FEV1FVC score (denominator) | Median FEV1FVC score recorded | Lower quartile FEV1FVC score recorded | Upper quartile FEV1FVC score recorded | Total number of patient records entered for where BMI was measured (denominator) | Total number of patients with no recorded BMI | Percentage of patients with no recorded BMI | Total number of patients with recorded BMI | Percentage of patients with recorded BMI | Total number of patients where BMI was measured (denominator) | Median BMI score recorded | Lower quartile BMI score recorded | Upper quartile BMI score recorded | Total number of patients with a recorded MRC score (denominator) | Total number of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 1 | Percentage of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 1 | Total number of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 2 | Percentage of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 2 | Total number of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 3 | Percentage of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 3 | Total number of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 4 | Percentage of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 4 | Total number of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 5 | Percentage of patients with a recorded MRC score Grade 5 | Total number of patients with no recorded MRC score | Percentage of patients with no recorded MRC score | Total number of patient records entered for where history of Cardio-vascular disease was checked (denominator) | Total number of patients with no history of Cardio-vascular disease | Percentage of patients with no history of Cardio-vascular disease | Total number of patients with a history of Cardio-vascular disease | Percentage of patients with a history of Cardio-vascular disease | Total number of patient records entered for where history of lower limb or lower back musculoskeletal disorder was checked (denominator) | Total number of patients with no history of lower limb or lower back musculoskeletal disorder | Percentage of patients with no history of lower limb or lower back musculoskeletal disorder | Total number of patients with a history of lower limb or lower back musculoskeletal disorder | Percentage of patients with a history of lower limb or lower back musculoskeletal disorder | Total number of patient records entered for where history of mental illness was checked (denominator) | Total number of patients with no history of mental illness | Percentage of patients with no history of mental illness | Total number of patients with a history of mental illness | Percentage of patients with a history of mental illness | Total number of patient records entered for where history of anxiety was checked (denominator) | Total number of patients with no history of anxiety | Percentage of patients with no history of anxiety | Total number of patients with a history of anxiety | Percentage of patients with a history of anxiety | Total number of patient records entered for where history of depression was checked (denominator) | Total number of patients with no history of depression | Percentage of patients with no history of depression | Total number of patients with a history of depression | Percentage of patients with a history of depression | Total number of patient records entered for where history of serious mental illness was checked (denominator) | Total number of patients with no history of serious mental illness | Percentage of patients with no history of serious mental illness | Total number of patients with a history of serious mental illness | Percentage of patients with a history of serious mental illness | Total number of patients performing a Walk Test at initial assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients performing the 6 Meter Walk Test (6MWT) at initial assessment | Percentage of patients performing the 6 Meter Walk Test (6MWT) at initial assessment | Total number of patients performing the 6 Meter Walk Test (6MWT) OR Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT) AND the Endurance Walk Test (ESWT) at initial assessment | Total number of patients performing the 6 Meter Walk Test (6MWT) OR Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT) AND the Endurance Walk Test (ESWT) at initial assessment | Total number of patients performing the Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT) at initial assessment | Percentage of patients performing the Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT) at initial assessment | Total number of patients that did not perform a Walk Test | Percentage of patients that did not perform a Walk Test | Total number of patients performing the ISWT (denominator) | Median distance achieved during ISWT | Lower quartile distance achieved during ISWT | Upper quartile distance achieved during ISWT | Total number of patients performing the ISWT (denominator) | Total number of patients performing the ISWT who did not conduct a practice test | Percentage of patients performing the ISWT who did not conduct a practice test | Total number of patients performing the ISWT who conducted a practice test | Percentage of patients performing the ISWT who conducted a practice test | Total number of patients performing the 6MWT (denominator) | Median distance achieved during 6MWT | Lower quartile distance achieved during 6MWT | Upper quartile distance achieved during 6MWT | Total number of patients performing the 6MWT (denominator) | Total number of patients performing the 6MWT who did not conduct a practice test | Percentage of patients performing the 6MWT who did not conduct a practice test | Total number of patients performing the 6MWT who conducted a practice test | Percentage of patients performing the 6MWT who conducted a practice test | Total number of patients performing the ESWT (denominator) | Median seconds walked during ESWT | Lower quartile seconds walked during ESWT | Upper quartile seconds walked during ESWT | Total number of patients assessed (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not complete the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) at initial assessment | Percentage of patients who did not complete the CAT at initial assessment | Total number of patients who completed the CAT at initial assessment | Percentage of patients who completed the CAT at initial assessment | Total number of patients assessed (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not complete the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) at initial assessment | Percentage of patients who did not complete the CRQ at initial assessment | Total number of patients who completed the CRQ at initial assessment | Percentage of patients who completed the CRQ at initial assessment | Total number of patients with a CAT score recorded at initial assessment (denominator) | Median recorded CAT score at initial assessment | Lower quartile recorded CAT score at initial assessment | Upper quartile recorded CAT score at initial assessment | Total number of patients with a dyspnoea score recorded at initial assessment (denominator) | Median recorded dyspnoea CRQ score at initial assessment | Lower quartile recorded dyspnoea CRQ score at initial assessment | Upper quartile recorded dyspnoea CRQ score at initial assessment | Total number of patients with a fatigue score recorded at initial assessment (denominator) | Median recorded fatigue CRQ score at initial assessment | Lower quartile recorded fatigue CRQ score at initial assessment | Upper quartile recorded fatigue CRQ score at initial assessment | Total number of patients with a emotion score recorded at initial assessment (denominator) | Median recorded emotion CRQ score at initial assessment | Lower quartile recorded emotion CRQ score at initial assessment | Upper quartile recorded emotion CRQ score at initial assessment | Total number of patients with a mastery score recorded at initial assessment (denominator) | Median recorded mastery CRQ score at initial assessment | Lower quartile recorded mastery CRQ score at initial assessment | Upper quartile recorded mastery CRQ score at initial assessment | Total number of patients assessed for enrolment on a PR programme (denominator) | Total number of patients not enrolled due to clinically unsuitable | Percentage of patients not enrolled due to clinically unsuitable | Total number of patients not enrolled due to patient choice | Percentage of patients not enrolled due to patient choice | Total number of patients enrolled on a PR programme | Percentage of patients enrolled on a PR programme | Total number of patients starting a PR programme (denominator) | Total number of patients enrolled for both centre-based and home-based PR | Percentage of patients enrolled for both centre-based and home-based PR | Total number of patients enrolled for centre-based PR | Percentage of patients enrolled for centre-based PR | Total number of patients enrolled for home-based PR | Percentage of patients enrolled for home-based PR | Total number of patients starting a PR programme (denominator) | Total number of patients starting a cohort PR programme | Percentage of patients starting a cohort PR programme | Total number of patients starting a rolling PR programme | Percentage of patients starting a rolling PR programme | Total number of patients enrolled on centre-based PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of centre-based PR sessions scheduled | Lower quartile of centre-based PR sessions scheduled | Upper quartile of centre-based PR sessions scheduled | Total number of patients receiving centre-based PR sessions (denominator) | Total number of patients not receiving centre-based group PR sessions | Percentage of patients not receiving centre-based group PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving centre-based group PR sessions | Percentage of patients receiving centre-based group PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving centre-based PR sessions (denominator) | Total number of patients not receiving centre-based individual PR sessions | Percentage of patients not receiving centre-based individual PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving centre-based individual PR sessions | Percentage of patients receiving centre-based individual PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving centre-based group PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of centre-based group PR sessions received | Lower quartile of centre-based group PR sessions received | Upper quartile of centre-based group PR sessions received | Total number of patients receiving centre-based individual PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of centre-based individual PR sessions received | Lower quartile of centre-based individual PR sessions received | Upper quartile of centre-based individual PR sessions received | Total number of patients receiving centre-based PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of centre-based PR sessions received | Lower quartile of centre-based PR sessions received | Upper quartile of centre-based PR sessions received | Total number of patients with home-based PR sessions scheduled (denominator) | Median number of home-based PR sessions scheduled | Lower quartile of home-based PR sessions scheduled | Upper quartile of home-based PR sessions scheduled | Total number of patients receiving home-based face-to-face PR sessions (denominator) | Total number of patients not receiving home-based face-to-face PR sessions | Percentage of patients not receiving home-based face-to-face PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based face-to-face PR sessions | Percentage of patients receiving home-based face-to-face PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based group video PR sessions (denominator) | Total number of patients not receiving home-based group video PR sessions | Percentage of patients not receiving home-based group video PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based individual video PR sessions (denominator) | Total number of patients not receiving home-based individual video PR sessions | Percentage of patients not receiving home-based individual video PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based individual video PR sessions | Percentage of patients receiving home-based individual video PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based phone PR sessions (denominator) | Total number of patients not receiving home-based phone PR sessions | Percentage of patients not receiving home-based phone PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based phone PR sessions | Percentage of patients receiving home-based phone PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based other digital communication PR sessions (denominator) | Total number of patients not receiving home-based other digital communication PR sessions | Percentage of patients not receiving home-based other digital communication PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based other digital communication PR sessions | Percentage of patients receiving home-based other digital communication PR sessions | Total number of patients receiving home-based PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of home-based PR sessions received | Lower quartile of home-based PR sessions received | Upper quartile of home-based PR sessions received | Total number of patients receiving home-based face-to-face PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of home-based face-to-face PR sessions received | Lower quartile of home-based face-to-face PR sessions received | Upper quartile of home-based face-to-face PR sessions received | Total number of patients receiving home-based group video PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of home-based group video PR sessions received | Lower quartile of home-based group video PR sessions received | Upper quartile of home-based group video PR sessions received | Total number of patients receiving home-based individual video PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of home-based individual video PR sessions received | Lower quartile of home-based individual video PR sessions received | Upper quartile of home-based individual video PR sessions received | Total number of patients receiving home-based phone PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of home-based phone PR sessions received | Lower quartile of home-based phone PR sessions received | Upper quartile of home-based phone PR sessions received | Total number of patients receiving home-based other digital communication PR sessions (denominator) | Median number of home-based other digital communication PR sessions received | Lower quartile of home-based other digital communication PR sessions received | Upper quartile of home-based other digital communication PR sessions received | Total number of records checked for a discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment | Total number of patients who received a discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who received a discharge assessment | Ratio of patients starting PR to receiving a discharge assessment | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment because they did not attend | Percentage of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment because they did not attend | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment because they dropped out for health reasons | Percentage of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment because they dropped out for health reasons | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment due to patient choice | Percentage of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment due to patient choice | Total number of patients enrolled in a PR programme (denominator) | Number of patients whose PR location was both centre-based and home-based | Percentage of patients whose PR location was both centre-based and home-based | Total number of patients whose PR programme was cohort based | Percentage of patients whose PR programme was cohort based | Total number of patients who received home-based PR | Percentage of patients who received home-based PR | Total number of patients whose PR programme was rolling based | Percentage of patients whose PR programme was rolling based | Total number of patients whose PR programme was rolling based (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment at the end of a rolling PR programme | Percentage of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment at the end of a rolling PR programme | Total number of patients who received a discharge assessment at the end of a rolling PR programme | Percentage of patients who received a discharge assessment at the end of a rolling PR programme | Total number of patients whose PR programme was cohort based (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment at the end of a cohort PR programme | Percentage of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment at the end of a cohort PR programme | Total number of patients who received a discharge assessment at the end of a cohort PR programme | Percentage of patients who received a discharge assessment at the end of a cohort PR programme | Total number of patients who received home-based PR (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment at the end of a home-based PR programme | Percentage of patients who did not receive a discharge assessment at the end of a home-based PR programme | Total number of patients who received a discharge assessment at the end of a home-based PR programme | Percentage of patients who received a discharge assessment at the end of a home-based PR programme | Total number of patient records entered for discharge assessment performance by both rolling and cohort programmes (denominator) | Total number of patients treated by both rolling and cohort programmes who did not have a discharge assessment | Percentage of patients treated by both rolling and cohort programmes who did not have a discharge assessment | Number of patients treated by both rolling and cohort programmes who did have a discharge assessment | Percentage of patients treated by both rolling and cohort programmes who did have a discharge assessment | Total number of patients having a discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan | Percentage of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan | Total number of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan | Percentage of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan | Total number of patients who received a discharge assessment and whose PR programme was rolling based (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a rolling PR programme | Percentage of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a rolling PR programme | Total number of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a rolling PR programme | Percentage of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan after completing a rolling PR programme | Total number of patients who had a discharge assessment and whose PR programme was cohort based (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a cohort PR programme | Percentage of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a cohort PR programme | Total number of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a cohort PR programme | Percentage of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the endo of a cohort PR programme | Total number of patients who had a discharge assessment and who PR programme was home-based (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a home-based PR programme | Percentage of patients who did not receive an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a home-based PR programme | Total number of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a home-based PR programme | Percentage of patients who received an individualised written discharge exercise plan at the end of a home-based PR programme | Total number of patient records entered for individualised written exercise plan by both centred-based and home-based (denominator). | Number of patients treated by both centred-based and home-based programmes who did not received a individiualised written exercise plan | Percentage of patients treated by both centred-based and home-based programmes who did not received a individiualised written exercise plan | Number of patients treated by both centred-based and home-based programmes who did received a individiualised written exercise plan | Percentage of patients treated by both centred-based and home-based programmes who did received a individiualised written exercise plan | Total number of patients receiving a discharge assessment from a PR programme (denominator) | Median number of days between initial assessment and discharge from a PR programme | Lower quartile of days between initial assessment and discharge from a PR programme | Upper quartile of days between initial assessment and discharge from a PR programme | Total number of patients with an MRC score recorded at discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients with an MRC score grade 1 recorded at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with an MRC score grade 1 recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with an MRC score grade 2 recorded at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with an MRC score grade 2 recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with an MRC score grade 3 recorded at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with an MRC score grade 3 recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with an MRC score grade 4 recorded at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with an MRC score grade 4 recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with an MRC score grade 5 recorded at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with an MRC score grade 5 recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with an MRC score not recorded at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with an MRC score not recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patient records entered for improved MRC score at discharged assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients with an improved MRC score at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with an improved MRC score at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with no change to MRC score at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with no change to MRC score at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a worse MRC score at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients with a worse MRC score at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 1 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 1 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 1 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 2 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 1 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 3 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 1 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 4 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 1 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 5 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 1 at initial assessment and no MRC score recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 2 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 1 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 2 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 2 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 2 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 3 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 2 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 4 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 2 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 5 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 2 at initial assessment and no MRC score recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 3 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 1 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 3 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 2 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 3 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 3 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 3 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 4 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 3 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 5 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 3 at initial assessment and no MRC score recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 4 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 1 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 4 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 2 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 4 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 3 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 4 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 4 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 4 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 5 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 4 at initial assessment and no MRC score recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 5 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 1 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 5 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 2 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 5 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 3 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 5 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 4 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 5 at initial assessment and a MRC score of 5 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with a MRC score of 5 at initial assessment and no MRC score recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with no MRC score recorded at initial assessment and a MRC score of 1 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with no MRC score recorded at initial assessment and a MRC score of 2 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with no MRC score recorded at initial assessment and a MRC score of 3 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with no MRC score recorded at initial assessment and a MRC score of 4 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with no MRC score recorded at initial assessment and a MRC score of 5 at discharge assessment | Total number of patients with no MRC score recorded at initial assessment and no MRC score recorded at discharge assessment | Total number of patients performing a Walk Test at discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients performing a 6MWT at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients performing a 6MWT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients performing a 6MWT or ISWT and ESWT at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients performing a 6MWT or ISWT and ESWT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients performing a ISWT at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients performing a ISWT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who did not perform a Walk Test at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who did not perform a Walk Test at discharge assessment | Total number of patients performing the ISWT at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median difference in distance walked during the ISWT at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference in distance walked during the ISWT at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference in distance walked during the ISWT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients performing the 6MWT at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median difference in distance walked during the 6MWT at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference in distance walked during the 6MWT at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference in distance walked during the 6MWT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients performing the ESWT at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median difference in seconds walked during the ESWT at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference in seconds walked during the ESWT at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference in seconds walked during the ESWT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients measured for MCID for ISWT (denominator) | Total number of patients who met the MCID for ISWT | Percentage of patients who met the MCID for ISWT | Total number of patients who did not meet the MCID for ISWT | Percentage of patients who did not meet the MCID for ISWT | Total number of patients measured for MCID for 6MWT (denominator) | Total number of patients who met the MCID for 6MWT | Percentage of patients who met the MCID for 6MWT | Total number of patients who did not meet the MCID for 6MWT | Percentage of patients who did not meet the MCID for 6MWT | Total number of patients had a discharge assessment at the end of a PR programme (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not complete a CAT at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who did not complete a CAT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who completed a CAT at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who completed a CAT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who had a discharge assessment at the end of a PR programme (denominator) | Total number of patients who did not complete a CRQ at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who did not complete a CRQ at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who completed a CRQ at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who completed a CRQ at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who completed a CAT at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median number difference between CAT score at initial assessment and CAT score at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference between CAT score at initial assessment and CAT score at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference between CAT score at initial assessment and CAT score at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who had a CRQ dyspnoea score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median number difference between CRQ dyspnoea score at initial assessment and CRQ dyspnoea score at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference between CRQ dyspnoea score at initial assessment and CRQ dyspnoea score at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference between CRQ dyspnoea score at initial assessment and CRQ dyspnoea score at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who had a CRQ fatigue score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median number difference between CRQ fatigue score at initial assessment and CRQ fatigue score at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference between CRQ fatigue score at initial assessment and CRQ fatigue score at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference between CRQ fatigue score at initial assessment and CRQ fatigue score at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who had a CRQ emotion score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median number difference between CRQ emotion score at initial assessment and CRQ emotion score at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference between CRQ emotion score at initial assessment and CRQ emotion score at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference between CRQ emotion score at initial assessment and CRQ emotion score at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who had a CRQ mastery score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Median number difference between CRQ mastery score at initial assessment and CRQ mastery score at discharge assessment | Lower quartile difference between CRQ mastery score at initial assessment and CRQ mastery score at discharge assessment | Upper quartile difference between CRQ mastery score at initial assessment and CRQ mastery score at discharge assessment | Total number of patient records entered for who completed a CAT at discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who met the MCID for CAT at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who met the MCID for CAT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who did not meet the MCID for CAT at discharge assessment | Percentage of patients who did not meet the MCID for CAT at discharge assessment | Total number of patients who had a CRQ dyspnoea score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who met the MCID for dyspnoea | Percentage of patients who met the MCID for dyspnoea | Total number of patients who did not meet the MCID for dyspnoea | Percentage of patients who did not meet the MCID for dyspnoea | Total number of patients who had a CRQ fatigue score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who met the MCID for fatigue | Percentage of patients who met the MCID for fatigue | Total number of patients who did not meet the MCID for fatigue | Percentage of patients who did not meet the MCID for fatigue | Total number of patients who had a CRQ emotion score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who met the MCID for emotion | Percentage of patients who met the MCID for emotion | Total number of patients who did not meet the MCID for emotion | Percentage of patients who did not meet the MCID for emotion | Total number of patients who had a CRQ mastery score at discharge assessment (denominator) | Total number of patients who met the MCID for mastery | Percentage of patients who met the MCID for mastery | Total number of patients who did not meet the MCID for mastery | Percentage of patients who did not meet the MCID for mastery | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Text | Text | Text | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Percentage | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | Integer | 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set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
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