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Habitat point records from 1998 DWT Lyme Bay sublittoral rock survey1998-DWT-Lyme-Bay-sublittoral-rock-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection HabitatCode HabitatDescription
JNCCMNCR10156184 JNCCMNCR10000699 1998 DWT Lyme Bay sublittoral rock survey JNCCMNCR10031744 1998-06-30 1998-06-30 D Dive nine (Beer Home Ground) Point 50.6351035763069 -3.05015566803788 WGS84 CR.FCR.FouFa.AdigMsen Alcyonium digitatum and Metridium senile on moderately wave-exposed circalittoral steel wrecks
JNCCMNCR10156231 JNCCMNCR10000699 1998 DWT Lyme Bay sublittoral rock survey JNCCMNCR10031787 1998-06-30 1998-06-30 D Dive 10 (Beer Home Ground) Point 50.6351035763069 -3.05015566803788 WGS84 CR.FCR.FouFa.AdigMsen Alcyonium digitatum and Metridium senile on moderately wave-exposed circalittoral steel wrecks
JNCCMNCR10156153 JNCCMNCR10000699 1998 DWT Lyme Bay sublittoral rock survey JNCCMNCR10031713 1998-07-28 1998-07-28 D Dive fifty six (Pinhay Bay to Golden Cap) Point 50.6965277746251 -2.93386376668992 WGS84 CR.HCR High energy circalittoral rock
JNCCMNCR10156157 JNCCMNCR10000699 1998 DWT Lyme Bay sublittoral rock survey JNCCMNCR10031717 1998-06-24 1998-06-24 D Dive one (Lanes Ground) Point 50.675426632096 -2.91844264263841 WGS84 CR.HCR High energy circalittoral rock