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STP (Feb 2017) Full Extent Boundaries in EnglandCSV

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OBJECTID stp17cd stp17nm bng_e bng_n long LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E54000005 West Yorkshire 411733 442600 -1.82300997 53.87950134 4378675932.11864 443231.140131816 adc63fd9-ee64-4cc2-bf51-34664acf9d0a
2 E54000006 Humber, Coast and Vale 492430 462485 -0.58972001 54.05009842 6653756554.99673 739621.526442299 94cff9e0-aa9e-4472-98f3-e4f0f731caa4
3 E54000007 Greater Manchester 383161 401102 -2.25535011 53.50640106 1402057621.84538 258369.965350195 f85ee41f-07bb-4d47-bc70-85f52e01e921
4 E54000008 Cheshire and Merseyside 374405 380936 -2.38572001 53.3246994 3196448939.55986 478003.610844668 99d76246-8ec3-4ae5-a603-212572fb2e54