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Local Enterprise Partnerships (April 2020) Full Resolution Clipped Boundaries ENCSV

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OBJECTID lep20cd lep20nm bng_e bng_n long lat Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E37000001 Black Country 397406 292506 -2.03966 52.53043 356917974.689072 130670.050211933 77362917-3c26-4928-a858-cdf2a6caf57c
2 E37000003 Cheshire and Warrington 368759 368676 -2.46927 53.21423 2266972035.06462 473931.769569893 246c0ea5-e934-427c-8066-5cb92e47c3a7
3 E37000005 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 212497 64493 -4.64254 50.450218 3565124074.76331 1354176.54389747 9bf264ea-33db-4bd6-b4b1-7e410595674e
4 E37000006 Coventry and Warwickshire 429584 266724 -1.5676 52.297859 2076176915.47621 366812.130914947 18ce473c-d0df-4cb8-9567-c3cc030d7baf