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Workforce Management Information - DefraWorkforce Management Information - June 2016
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Download this fileOrganisation Name | Organisation Type | Main, parent or sponsoring department | Payroll staff AO/AA Headcount | Payroll staff AO/AA Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff EO Headcount | Payroll staff EO Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff SEO/HEO Headcount | Payroll staff SEO/HEO Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Headcount | Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff SCS Headcount | Payroll staff SCS Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Headcount | Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Total Employees Headcount | Payroll staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Intermin Managers Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Interim Managers Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent | Grand Total (workforce numbers) Headcount | Grand Total (workforce numbers) Full-time Equivalent | Payroll Staff Costs Salary | Payroll Staff Costs Allowances | Payroll Staff Costs Non-consolidated performance payments | Payroll Staff Costs Overtime | Payroll Staff Costs Employer pension contributions | Payroll Staff Costs Employer national insurance contributions | Payroll Staff Costs Total paybill for payroll staff | Non-payroll Staff Total cost of contingent labour: agency (clerical and admin) staff, interim managers and specialist contractors | Non-payroll Staff Total cost of consultants/consultancy | Non-payroll Staff Total non-payroll (CCL) staff costs | Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs | Comments |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Ministerial Department | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 135 | 130.38 | 252 | 241.48 | 778 | 748.42 | 462 | 443.49 | 66 | 63.72 | 0 | 0 | 1,693 | 1,627 | 13 | 13 | 3 | 3 | 58 | 58 | 0 | 0 | 74 | 74 | 1,767 | 1,701 | £5,984,957 | £9,569 | £21,620 | £27,291 | £1,152,694 | £622,404 | £7,818,535 | £701,565 | £0 | £701,565 | £8,520,100 | With the introduction of a new HR system on 23 May 2016, we are currently not yet in a position to provide up to date payroll staff figures for June and those shown are as at 6 May |
Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency | Executive Agency | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 835 | 764.17 | 574 | 532.78 | 746 | 699.52 | 173 | 169.18 | 8 | 7.61 | 0 | 0 | 2,336 | 2,173 | 21 | 21 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 48 | 2,384 | 2,221 | £5,341,853 | £91,586 | £583 | £61,043 | £1,139,496 | £542,554 | £7,177,115 | £203,386 | £0 | £203,386 | £7,380,500 | With the introduction of a new HR system, APHA are currently unable to provide up to date figures for June and those shown are for April |
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Executive Agency | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 79 | 73.74 | 118 | 108.11 | 240 | 226.71 | 93 | 86.95 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 533 | 498.51 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 533 | 498.51 | £1,288,581 | £41,986 | £0 | £30,178 | £269,901 | £141,786 | £1,772,432 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £1,772,432 | Not set |
Rural Payments Agency | Executive Agency | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 688 | 601.77 | 619 | 569.24 | 555 | 530.38 | 148 | 147.2 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 2,025 | 1,864 | 104 | 104 | 39 | 39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 143 | 143 | 2,168 | 2,007 | £4,313,898 | £22,178 | £10,450 | £206,354 | £876,879 | £443,984 | £5,873,743 | £186,421 | £388,207 | £574,628 | £6,448,371 | Not set |