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Workforce Management Information - DefraWorkforce Management Information November 2018
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Download this fileOrganisation Name | Organisation Type | Main, parent or sponsoring department | Payroll staff AO/AA Headcount | Payroll staff AO/AA Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff EO Headcount | Payroll staff EO Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff SEO/HEO Headcount | Payroll staff SEO/HEO Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Headcount | Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff SCS Headcount | Payroll staff SCS Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Headcount | Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Full-time Equivalent | Payroll staff Total Employees Headcount | Payroll staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Intermin Managers Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Interim Managers Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Full-time Equivalent | Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Headcount | Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent | Grand Total (workforce numbers) Headcount | Grand Total (workforce numbers) Full-time Equivalent | Payroll Staff Costs Salary | Payroll Staff Costs Allowances | Payroll Staff Costs Non-consolidated performance payments | Payroll Staff Costs Overtime | Payroll Staff Costs Employer pension contributions | Payroll Staff Costs Employer national insurance contributions | Payroll Staff Costs Total paybill for payroll staff | Non-payroll Staff Total cost of contingent labour: agency (clerical and admin) staff, interim managers and specialist contractors | Non-payroll Staff Total cost of consultants/consultancy | Non-payroll Staff Total non-payroll (CCL) staff costs | Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs | Comments |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Ministerial Department | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 216 | 199.87 | 630 | 607.52 | 1974 | 1895.37 | 1169 | 1123.58 | 155 | 149.5 | 24 | 24 | 4,168 | 4,000 | 157 | 133.01 | 46 | 39.09 | 333 | 292.68 | 6 | 4.3 | 542 | 469.08 | 4,710 | 4,469 | £13,558,806.00 | £76,262.00 | £1,981,025.00 | £72,177.00 | £3,112,575.00 | £1,806,935.00 | £20,607,780.00 | £2,142,685.79 | £54,500.50 | £2,197,186.29 | £22,804,966.29 | Not set |
Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency | Executive Agency | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 756 | 699.32853 | 521 | 484.94341 | 782 | 747.61246 | 178 | 174.27522 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 2243 | 2112.15962 | 80 | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 80 | 2323 | 2192.15962 | £5,949,422.15 | £97,064.59 | £605,110.00 | £19,730.34 | £1,251,315.34 | £668,192.44 | £8,590,834.86 | £199,162.35 | £0.00 | £199,162.35 | £8,789,997.21 | Not set |
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | Executive Agency | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 86 | 83.08 | 142 | 129.09 | 322 | 307.9 | 110 | 102.21 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 663 | 625.28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 663 | 625.28 | £1,835,250.78 | £86,828.16 | £0.00 | £52,931.58 | £381,644.84 | £202,875.23 | £2,559,530.59 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £2,559,530.59 | Not set |
Rural Payments Agency | Executive Agency | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | 707 | 609.5 | 561 | 510.95 | 512 | 480.54 | 98 | 97.07 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 1,884 | 1,704 | 722 | 722 | 8 | 8 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 730 | 730 | 2,614 | 2,434 | £4,030,843.52 | £3,541.88 | £1,900.00 | £211,291.43 | £858,303.00 | £481,578.21 | £5,587,458.04 | £1,659,043.00 | £117,407.00 | £1,776,450.00 | £7,363,908.04 | Not set |