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Habitat point records from 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey1987-AWA-Breydon-Water-littoral-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection HabitatCode HabitatDescription
JNCCMNCR10185355 JNCCMNCR10000345 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey JNCCMNCR10010877 1987-07-01 1987-07-01 D W of Runham (Breydon Water) Point 52.6142557991207 1.71221922340393 WGS84 LMU.HedMac Hediste diversicolor and Macoma balthica in sandy mud shores
JNCCMNCR10220620 JNCCMNCR10000345 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey JNCCMNCR10010878 1987-07-01 1987-07-01 D E of Acle Marshes (Breydon Water) Point 52.6102776485781 1.69562884036338 WGS84 LMU.HedMac Hediste diversicolor and Macoma balthica in sandy mud shores
JNCCMNCR10203693 JNCCMNCR10000345 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey JNCCMNCR10010881 1987-07-01 1987-07-01 D E Burg Castle Marshes (Breydon Water) Point 52.6010058710899 1.67564306216986 WGS84 LMU.HedMac Hediste diversicolor and Macoma balthica in sandy mud shores
JNCCMNCR10197982 JNCCMNCR10000345 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey JNCCMNCR10010882 1987-07-01 1987-07-01 D N Berney Arms Reach (Breydon Water) Point 52.5885507518751 1.64210941067254 WGS84 LMU.HedMac Hediste diversicolor and Macoma balthica in sandy mud shores