Due to the overlaps in the LEP coverage of England, 4 LEP fields have been provided in the file - LEP21CD1/NM1 and LEP21CD2/NM2. The first two fields show the LEP that each OA falls into, allocated on a best-fit basis, the second two fields show the second LEP that the OA has been allocated to if it is contained in an overlapping LEP.Field Names – OA11CD, LAD21CD, LAD21NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LEP21CD1, LEP21NM1, LEP21CD2, LEP21NM2, FID
Field Types – Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text
Field Lengths – 9, 9, 35,9,47, 9, 32, 9, 49, 9, 42
File updated following name changes for E37000043 - Buckinghamshire Thames Valley to Buckinghamshire and E37000061 - Hull and East Riding to Hull and East Yorkshire - boundaries not affected.
FID = The FID, or Feature ID is created by the publication process when the names and codes / lookup products are published to the Open Geography portal.