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National Hip Fracture Database Annual Report 2014NHFD 2014 Annual Report Transparency

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Site Chart 1:Number of cases included in chart Chart 1:Admitted to orthopaedic ward within 4 hours (n) Chart 1:Admitted to orthopaedic ward after 4 hours (n) Chart 1:Not admitted to orthopaedic ward (n) Chart 1:Unknown (n) Chart2:Number of cases included in chart Chart2:Routine by orthogeriatrician (n) Chart2:All other reviews (n) Chart2:No assessment (n) Chart2:Unknown (n) Chart3:Number of cases included in chart Chart3:GA, GA+nerve block (n) Chart3:SA, SA+epidural(CSE), SA+nerve block (n) Chart3:GA+SA, GA+epidural (n) Chart3:Unknown and other (n) Chart4:Number of cases included in chart Chart4:Surgery on day of, or day after, admission (n) Chart4:Surgery two or more calendar days after admission (n) Chart4:No surgery performed (n) Chart4:Unknown (n) Chart5:Number of cases included in chart Chart5:Internal fixation (n) Chart5:Arthroplasty (n) Chart5:No operation (n) Chart5:Unknown and other (n) Chart6:Number of cases included in chart Chart6:Arthroplasty (n) Chart6:Internal fixation (n) Chart6:No operation (n) Chart6:Unknown and other (n) Chart7:Number of cases included in chart Chart7:Cemented (n) Chart7:Uncemented (n) Chart8:Number of cases included in chart Chart8:Total hip replacement (n) Chart8:Other operation or unknown (n) Chart9:Number of cases included in chart Chart9:Internal fixation SHS (n) Chart9:Internal fixation – not SHS (n) Chart9:Arthroplasty (n) Chart9:No operation (n) Chart9:Unknown and other (n) Chart10:Number of cases included in chart Chart10:Internal fixation – all intramedullary nail (n) Chart10:Internal fixation –all other (n) Chart10:Arthroplasty (n) Chart10:No operation (n) Chart10:Unknown and other (n) Chart11:Number of cases included in chart Chart11:Surgery (n) Chart11:No surgery (n) Chart11:Unknown (n) Chart12:Number of cases included in chart Chart12:Reoperation within 30 days (n) Chart12:No reoperation within 30 days (n) Chart12:Unknown (n) Chart13:Number of cases included in chart Chart13:Continued from pre-admission (n) Chart13:Started on this admission (n) Chart13:Awaits DXA scan (n) Chart13:Awaits bone clinic assessment (n) Chart13:Assessed – no bone protection medication needed/appropriate (n) Chart13:No assessment or action taken (n) Chart13:Unknown (n) Chart14:Number of cases included in chart Chart14:Yes (n) Chart14:No or unknown (n) Chart15:Number of cases included in chart Chart15:Pressure ulcers (n) Chart15:No pressure ulcers (n) Chart15:Unknown (n) Chart16:Number of cases included in chart Chart16:Own home/sheltered housing (n) Chart16:Rehabilitation unit (n) Chart16:Acute hospital (n) Chart16:Residential care (n) Chart16:Nursing care (n) Chart16:Dead (n) Chart16:Other (n) Chart16:Unknown (n) Chart17:Number of cases included in chart Chart17:Own home/sheltered housing (n) Chart17:Residential care (n) Chart17:Nursing care (n) Chart17:Rehabilitation unit (n) Chart17:Acute hospital (n) Chart17:Already in hospital (n) Chart17:Other (n) Chart17:Unknown (n) Chart18:Number of cases included in chart Chart18:Mean length of acute stay (days) Chart18:Mean length of post-acute stay (days) Chart19:No. of cases eligible for mortality analysis Chart19:Raw mortality rate within 30 days (%) Chart19:Adjusted mortality rate with 30 days (%) Chart20:No. of cases eligible for return home from home analysis Chart20:Raw return home rate by 30 days (%) Chart20:Adjusted return home rate by 30 days (%) Chart21:Number of cases included in chart Chart21:Ineligible - met 9 criteria Chart21:Ineligible - met 8 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 7 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 6 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 5 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 4 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 3 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 2 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 1 criteria (n) Chart21:Ineligible - met 0 criteria (n) Regional table:Number of cases submitted Regional table:Admitted to orthopaedic ward within 4 hours (%) Regional table:Surgery on the day of or day after admission (%) Regional table:Senior geriatric review within 72 hours of admission (%) Regional table:Abbreviated mental test performed (%) Regional table:Specialist falls assessment performed (%) Regional table:Bone health medication assessment performed (%) Regional table:Patients developing pressure ulcers (%) Regional table:Best practice tariff attainment (%) Regional table:Mortality 2011 to 2013 - crude (%) Regional table:Mortality 2011 to 2013 - casemix adjusted (%) Regional table:Returned home from home within 30 days - crude (%) Regional table:Return home from home within 30 days - casemix adjusted (%) Regional table:Mean length of total Trust stay [acute + post-acute] (days) Regional table:30 day follow up completion rate (%) Facilities audit:No. of hip fractures treated/annum Facilities audit:Trauma service description Facilities audit:Hours of designated trauma/week Facilities audit:No. of WTE orthopaedic consultants Facilities audit:No. of WTE orthopaedic middle grades Facilities audit:Orthogeriatric consultant hours/week Facilities audit:Orthogeriatric middle grade hours/week Facilities audit:Orthogeriatric ward rounds/week Facilities audit:No of. WTE fragility fracture nurses Facilities audit:No. of WTE fracture liaison nurses Facilities audit:Specific clerking proforma Facilities audit:Falls clinic Facilities audit:DXA on-site facility Facilities audit:Data collected by Facilities audit:Data entered by Facilities audit:Enhanced recovery programme Facilities audit:Early supported discharge service Facilities audit:Access to rehabilitation beds
ADD 426 266 155 * 0 460 394 9 55 * 460 398 45 * 16 460 309 139 10 * 35 28 * * 0 228 176 49 * 0 180 179 * 121 22 99 157 144 10 0 * 0 38 32 6 0 0 0 460 450 10 0 419 * 0 415 446 63 357 8 * 10 0 * 446 443 * 446 9 434 * 429 236 57 * 75 35 13 8 0 460 353 84 13 * * * * 0 421 14.8 * 1257 6.8 7.6 353 62.3 62.3 451 304 122 16 * * * 0 * * 0 460 62.4 67.2 96.7 99.1 99.3 99.3 * 67.4 6.8 7.6 62.3 62.3 15 0 480 Both 120 22 11 75 0 * * * Yes Con Axial Doctors Nurses No Yes Yes
AEI 305 52 242 10 * 317 172 13 132 0 317 211 90 * 11 317 257 52 8 0 22 14 7 * 0 155 138 10 6 * 145 140 * 68 8 60 117 113 * 0 * 0 22 19 * 0 0 * 317 309 8 0 297 * 259 33 281 26 236 * 6 11 0 0 281 280 * 281 10 270 * 305 93 90 * 38 43 34 6 0 317 227 44 29 * * 10 * 0 293 16 * 947 11.5 11.5 227 53.3 53.9 320 230 69 13 * * * * 0 0 0 317 17 81.1 95.9 100 99.6 100 * 71.9 11.5 11.5 53.3 53.9 16.2 96.9 330 Both 52 12 8 20 0 * 0 0 Yes Con Axial Nurses Nurses No No Yes
AIR 245 91 127 * 24 260 156 7 97 0 260 119 119 9 13 260 202 46 12 0 30 15 14 * 0 123 110 7 * * 128 124 * 55 14 41 85 70 * * 6 0 21 20 * 0 0 0 260 248 12 0 234 0 7 227 224 18 142 26 * 32 * 0 224 224 0 224 7 216 * 245 115 36 * 17 39 31 * 0 260 174 30 37 * 0 15 * 0 239 19.9 * 735 9.7 9.6 174 55.2 54.3 261 190 49 14 * * 0 * 0 0 0 260 37.1 77.7 92.3 99.2 100 99.6 * 72.8 9.7 9.6 55.2 54.3 20.7 0 290 DGH 20 7 6 9 0 * * 0 Yes Con Axial Nurses Admin No Yes Yes
ASH 308 195 97 0 16 328 206 9 113 0 328 148 155 13 12 328 298 19 11 0 14 * * * 0 175 170 * * 0 176 176 0 62 10 52 125 119 * * * 0 13 12 0 0 * 0 328 317 11 0 291 * 290 0 293 47 130 39 0 77 0 0 293 293 0 293 * 290 0 301 177 * * 59 25 33 * 0 328 221 72 13 10 0 12 0 0 299 10.2 19 988 8.6 8.8 221 54.3 53.6 331 300 22 6 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 328 63.3 90.9 99.1 100 100 100 * 90.6 8.6 8.8 54.3 53.6 29.1 84.8 340 DGH 44 10 8 8 40 * * 0 No Con None Nurses Nurses Yes No No