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Spending over £25,000 in the Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeFebruary 2018

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ary Entity Posted Date Internal Voucher Number Invoice Line Amount Net GBP Supplier Name Account Code
FCO FCO 16/02/2018 9469871 120,357,150.54 HOME OFFICE UKBA Visa Income Creditor Control
FCO FCO 26/02/2018 9483036 15,566,338.46 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 09/02/2018 9457381 13,400,000.00 THE BRITISH COUNCIL Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)
FCO FCO 20/02/2018 9474186 8,440,495.86 UNITED NATIONS Programme Spend (Oracle Projects Control Account)